Electronics Forum: 265gs screen printer (Page 1 of 105)

Breaking Dek 265GS screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 15:18:13 EDT 2013 | ipdisplays

Sent you an email regarding the printer.

Breaking Dek 265GS screen printer

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 15 15:59:42 EDT 2013 | pdl

Hi how much would you want for the printer cheers Pete

Breaking Dek 265GS screen printer

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 31 10:44:26 EDT 2013 | JB

The machine is in the UK.

Breaking Dek 265GS screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 12:30:21 EDT 2013 | JB

We are breaking a 1995 Dek 265GS screen printer for spares, it has the blue under screen cleaner, green 2D inspection camera. Was in full working order before getting a new Dek printer installed. The reason for replacing it was the air line pipes had

Breaking Dek 265GS screen printer

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 05 05:35:15 EDT 2013 | JB

Were are having problems emailing anyone with AT&T email address, please provide a different communication method if still interested.

screen printer

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 23 02:57:26 EDT 2015 | rgarcia0626

Why not MPM Printer?

screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 02 16:09:51 EST 2004 | Stefan

Hallo question to people who had experience with two screen printers: MPM new one Microflex and DEK 248. Which in your opinion is better for fine pitch application and meintance. Second qiestion does anyone knows something about KISTech screen print

screen printer

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 10 13:55:04 EDT 2015 | mbartel

Juki GL-1.... Any thoughts? I'm New to the industry and I'm trying to buy a new screen printer. I have two in mind, DEK and Juki.

screen printer

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 13 14:04:49 EDT 2015 | capse

Juki GL-1.... Any thoughts? I'm New to the > industry and I'm trying to buy a new screen > printer. I have two in mind, DEK and Juki. Up front qualifier, I'm the EKRA Rep for the southeastern US. I have been involved with stencil printers for abo

screen printer

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 20 05:21:36 EDT 2015 | eniac

Look at the SJ Inno Tech equipment. Great machines with in-built 2D or 3D SPI. I have 5 printers under my control, first machine was installed in June 2008 - and I haven't any headache with it.

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