Electronics Forum: 265gsx vision error (Page 1 of 29)

DEK 265gsx vision calibration

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 27 23:03:21 EDT 2010 | dman97

Well I'll be damned! I was printing this on the fiducial side. Silly me. I should have read the manual closer. Thanks for the help.

DEK 265gsx vision calibration

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 27 23:44:16 EDT 2010 | dekhead

You were doing it right... for a 288. 3rd or 4th time in the last year or so I've had somebody do that. Glad I could help. http://www.dekhead.com

DEK 265gsx vision calibration

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 01 23:53:26 EDT 2010 | dekhead

Sounds like SPC data collection is turned on with post print alignment inspection. Needs to be changed to "NONE" http://www.dekhead.com

DEK 265gsx vision calibration

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 03 14:17:26 EDT 2010 | dman97

Thanks again for your help. I never would have guessed to check the SPC data settings because we never use it. Thanks so much!

DEK 265gsx vision calibration

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 01 18:13:19 EDT 2010 | dman97

Since my last post, I have successfully calibrated my printer. Now I have noticed that after a print, the machine decides to check for fiducials again. A post print fiducial check. Do you know how to disable this? It is slowing down my process co

DEK 265gsx vision calibration

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 26 23:07:07 EDT 2010 | dekhead

Just a guess: Are you printing your fiducials on the fiducial side of the board? Fidicial Side is for Vision Calibration, Bare Copper Side is for Offset Calibration (Step 5 of procedure says "copper side uppermost"). After printing 25 fiducials o

DEK 265gsx vision calibration

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 26 21:48:56 EDT 2010 | dman97

Can someone explain to me what I'm supposed to do after I have done the vision offset calibration procedure? The manual tells me to put solder paste down on all 25 holes of the stencil. After this the board drops down and the machine scans each fidu

Dek265 GSX Vision hardware error

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 24 15:01:09 EST 2019 | dekhead


DEK 265 GSX - Downloading vision system

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 12 18:39:21 EDT 2022 | magsat

Hello, please help, On DEK 265 GSX I have on the monitor: "Downloading vision system" and then nothing happens (no error comes up)

CP642's vision process error

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 28 17:13:28 EDT 2003 | Ryan Liao

Hello dear all: I have some problems with the CP642's vision process system . When the machine is working, sometimes the vision process system will appearance the error message. Error code :��1CA0A007�� Element code: FFFF Segment code: 0000 This s

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