Electronics Forum: 29.5 (Page 1 of 1)

Is anyone running 36in or larger boards thru SMT?

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 20 21:26:42 EST 2015 | warwolf

Sounds like you want to buy a custom made SMT machine.. Your re-flow would be a nightmare to program. most of the machines ive seen have a maximum working footprint of 29.5" and that is deemed an "option" so not standard for the machine capability.

0402 stencil design

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 04 22:28:16 EST 2003 | davef

You could reduce the paste by about 70%. Solder balling and tombstoning will be the issues to fight. The drivers to these don't change with the component size. Use the fine SMTnet Archives for background. Aperture Size and Thickness of Solder Pas


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