Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 22 08:36:15 EDT 2005 | davef
Haaaa a "tuning fork belt" B) Sonic belt tension meter: * Gates [303-744-5800 Fax 4600 gates.com] Model 507C * Stock Drive Products / Sterling Instrument [800-819-8900 516-328-3300 Fax 516-326-8827 sdp-si.com] sells Gates Model 507C * CheckLine [800
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 25 13:45:41 EDT 2012 | davef
Failure analysis, Cross section Cross section equipment sectioning equipment suppliers: * Leco; 3000 Lakeview Ave, St. Joseph, MI 49085; leco.com * Struers; 24766 Detroit Rd, Westlake, OH 44145; 888-787-8377 F440-871-8188 struers.com * Buehler Worldw
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 30 17:00:59 EST 2000 | Charles Morehouse
I am interested to know what people prefer for fine pitch packaging. Tape/Reel or Waffle tray for .031", .025", .020", .015" pitch components? What is the most robust packaging (i.e. fewer bent leads, etc.) Chuck
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 27 10:44:09 EDT 2007 | bjrap3
What would a good ramp rate be. I am running from 205-217C in 17 seconds. My reflow is 217-235 for 68 seconds. The bottom preheaters are set at 200C and the nozzle is 2075 & 295 for each process respectively.
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 24 00:47:27 EDT 2012 | haiae
I'm looking for a new or used Renco Encoder with P/N 77676-295. Everyone out there know where can buy it please tell me. Attached is foto of my Encoder for reference. Many thanks,
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 30 17:49:52 EST 2000 | JAX
Chuck, The smaller the pitch, the more package preferences will lean towards Trays. I would tape everything down to .025", maybe .020". With tape and reel you have fewer chances to place wrong polarity due to excessive part changes. Also part pick
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 30 21:45:44 EST 2000 | Dave F
It's unlikely that anyone other than the biggest of whooses would think of 0.031" a fine pitch. I prefer 0.025" on tape with solder plated copper leads make in a shape that bears-up well after being driven over by a Mack truck, yet is compliant enou
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 20 23:22:47 EDT 2012 | haiae
Hi every one, I'm looking for a Renco Encoder P/N77676-295 for one servo motor of my Contact 3AV-80 machine. If any one know where can buy new one for replacement please help me. I need also any spare parts for contact 3AV machine. Please drop me an
Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 20 21:26:42 EST 2015 | warwolf
Sounds like you want to buy a custom made SMT machine.. Your re-flow would be a nightmare to program. most of the machines ive seen have a maximum working footprint of 29.5" and that is deemed an "option" so not standard for the machine capability.
Electronics Forum | Sun May 07 14:25:42 EDT 2000 | Jay
I just saw following posting on one of the newsgroups. Any Comments ? AMS is proud to announce 32 bit version of Circuit Creator(tm)- low cost High Performance Electronic CAD software. It consists of Schematic Capture called Logic Creator(tm), PCB