Electronics Forum: 2h 20passed 2h volume (Page 1 of 1)

Pasting a thru-hole part at SMT

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 05 03:33:22 EST 2007 | longlee

We have done Paste-In-Hole process for 4 years.I think this prcess is suitable for 28-pins connector. Of course, you must assure the connecotr can endure high temperature firstly.Secondly, you need calculate the volume of solder paste, you can refere

Re: paste in hole

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 25 16:32:45 EDT 1999 | MMurphy

| | | hello, | | | | | | has anyone tried dispensing solder paste in thru holes instead of waving or hand soldering. if so how did it work out for you. | | | thanks for the input | | | | | | wayne | | | | | | | | | | | We have tried this mainly

Reflow oven recommendation

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 12 13:07:45 EST 2010 | G8reflow

Hi, The focal point of my research has been to recommend a reflow oven and develop a process for a small to low-medium production SMT soldering with the following considerations. - Lead-Free - Low to low-medium production - Forced Convection reflow

Re: paste in hole

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 28 11:47:54 EDT 1999 | Christopher Cross

| | | hello, | | | | | | has anyone tried dispensing solder paste in thru holes instead of waving or hand soldering. if so how did it work out for you. | | | thanks for the input | | | | | | wayne | | | | | | | | | | | We have tried this mainly


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