Electronics Forum: 2h and placement (Page 1 of 26)

Pick and placement forces

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 24 06:24:52 EST 2004 | Joe

Hi, I am an Engineering student doing some research on the component/nozzle interface on SMT Pick and Place machines. Could anyone tell me the force at which the nozzle hits the component as it is picked from the feeder or the placement force on a

Pick and placement forces

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 24 16:08:09 EST 2004 | Terrapin Station

This depends on the model. Most machines and turret style typically overstroke .2mm with a force of 250 - 300 grams of force. the reason for the over stroke is to place the component into the paste. This can be adjusted through part library manipul

Fuji CP4 and 0402 placement

Electronics Forum | Fri May 23 12:18:59 EDT 2003 | vortex

First off is your CP4 0402 ready? Before we could begin placing 0402's we had to have a vision upgrade. Once you have that or are sure your machine can handle 0402 then you will have to get 8x2 feeders. There may be a way to rig an 8x4 feeder but i'm

Fuji CP4 and 0402 placement

Electronics Forum | Fri May 23 07:07:39 EDT 2003 | qp1

Please your comments for placing 0402 on CP4? Which are the difficulties to expect and how to threat them? How to adapt the feeders for the smaller interdistance of the tape?? Thanks

Looking for printer and placement machine agency

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 15 14:04:21 EDT 2005 | johnw

Hello I am looking for a printer and placement machine agency can any of you guys assist me please mail with details

Looking for printer and placement machine agency

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 15 14:09:28 EDT 2005 | vms

Hi Would help if we knew what you needed with them. Are you needing info or help making a choice as to what equipment to buy? Harry

Looking for printer and placement machine agency

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 15 14:51:28 EDT 2005 | russ

Please post in the marketplace, you will have better luck and it will keep all of the sales guys out of the technical forum (no offense intended Harry).

Looking for printer and placement machine agency

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 15 14:56:23 EDT 2005 | vms

Hi Your right Russ, If you check all of my replies out, I don't try to sell here. I just wish I could say the same for most of postings. Your right and so am I Harry

CGA devices - placement and vision

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 26 16:26:00 EST 2001 | jax

I have not placed these parts in a while but when I did Universal was the machine that did it. We were able to place these parts using a 1mil flat( upward looking camera) inspecting all columns. The problem is a 100% column recognition is not possibl

Fuji cp3 and ip2 placement speed

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 12 18:26:05 EDT 2002 | pjc

If you are talking actual placement rate- from first fiducial read of board no. 1 to first fiducial read of board no. 2, here is the best I've ever seen based on the boards I've run: CP3- 141 seconds for 468 components per board (all rectangular chi

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