Electronics Forum: 2nd reflow finish (Page 1 of 65)

Re: 2nd reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 26 17:48:12 EDT 2000 | ptvianc

Hi: Generlly speaking, in a reactive mode, nitrogen blankets are used to improve the yield of a process that is marginal in terms of removing, and/or preventing the re-appearence of, oxides on copper features or component I/Os. That marginality can

2nd reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 26 14:51:46 EDT 2000 | eramirez

Currently I am running a very dense PCBA using a PCB less than 20 mils thick. We have two facilities running this product. One is using Nitrogen during reflow one is not. What is the advantage and disadvantages of using Nitrogen during the reflow

Pad finish

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 04:11:35 EDT 2010 | grahamcooper22

I've done minimal research to this point and > understand my issue with solder on the double > sided boards is due to oxidation that occures on > the unpopulated pads when the board makes its > first trip through the reflow oven. > > We did run

Pad finish

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 04 11:34:29 EDT 2010 | vetteboy86

I've done minimal research to this point and understand my issue with solder on the double sided boards is due to oxidation that occures on the unpopulated pads when the board makes its first trip through the reflow oven. We did run both sides in a

osp finish

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 22 09:21:45 EST 2004 | davef

Oh, another thing, we do not like to probe copper. It's hard, compared to solder, and beats-up the probes too much. [As Patrick Bruneel states in this thread.] Consider reflowing paste on your test pads.

Pad finish

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 07 08:13:52 EDT 2010 | remullis

I just swapped from the HASL to Immersion Silver mainly because the board house we use could not maintain consistency in keeping the pads level. I was constantly battling bumps and bad finishes on the pads. They are able to give me a consistent board

Reflow 2nd side on Vitronics Soltec XPM

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 03 08:33:06 EDT 2014 | patel_daxa29

Do I need to lower temperature of bottom zone (for common size parts) while reflow 2nd side of the board or I should be using same profile as I used for 1st side reflow? Will parts on bottom side will stay in place without changing temperature?

Reflow 2nd side on Vitronics Soltec XPM

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 03 10:38:20 EDT 2014 | patel_daxa29

Thank You Chris.

Reflow 2nd side on Vitronics Soltec XPM

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 03 10:30:36 EDT 2014 | cbeneat

We have the same ovens, our 2 sided boards have the same profile for both sides. Haven't seen a problem in 8 years.

Reflow 2nd side on Vitronics Soltec XPM

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 03 12:08:14 EDT 2014 | emeto

I don't think you decide that based on the oven. More important is what kind of parts you have on the board. If you have big heavy parts you should run them as second side.Of course you have the option to put glue under the suspicious part and run it

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