Electronics Forum: 2oz versus 70um (Page 1 of 1)

Copper Finishes versus Layer Thickness

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 04 12:51:37 EST 2007 | Board House

Hi Chunks, Starting copper on outer layer with .0007 is 1/2 oz. copper foil. so if starting copper is .0007 and your Board house will plate an additional .0021 mils of copper. which will give you a finished copper weight of .0028 Mils or (2 oz.) Y

Copper Finishes versus Layer Thickness

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 02 14:15:59 EST 2007 | realchunks

I have a new customer that has a print calling for 2oz. copper finish for top and bottom layers, and 1oz. copper finish for the inner 6 layers. Now, they also have a stack up depicting each layer and thickness. It shows the outer layers of copper b


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