Electronics Forum: 3.6.2 (Page 1 of 1)

Acceptance Criteria Ion Chromatography testing?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 31 10:25:19 EDT 2012 | edmaya33

J-STD-001E, states 1.56um/cm2 NaCl value.

room for SMT

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 28 08:15:50 EST 2004 | davef

J-STD-001 has what you need. 3.6 Facilities ......................... 4 3.6.1 Environmental Controls ........... 4 3.6.2 Temperature and Humidity ......... 4 3.6.3 Lighting ......................... 4 3.6.4 Field Assembly Operations ........ 4 3.6.5

External Factors to be controlled during assembly

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 27 19:52:28 EDT 2001 | davef

All of the discussion of "environmental controls" are a matter of degree, dependent on the requirements of the product that you manufacture. For example: shops assembling under-the-hood products have different requirements than shops making garage d

Re: Temperature

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 21 05:14:49 EDT 2000 | Wolfgang Busko

Hi Ivan, J-STD-001C chapter 3.6.2 says temperature should be maintained between 18�C and 30�C and humidity should not exceed 70% and below 30% verification of electrostatic discharge control is advised. This is a wide range and I wouldn�t allow a sw

Facility Humidty controls

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 17 21:16:19 EDT 2002 | davef

You�re correct about J-001. It�s interesting though, I find no references to controlling temperature and humidity as an element of an electrostatic discharge control program in the following: * ANSI/ESD S20-20 * "ESD Program Management" by Ted Dan


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