Electronics Forum: 30-60 (Page 1 of 3)

How old is old?

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 20 13:57:46 EDT 2002 | bdoyle

I figured I would start a new thread about this to keep it focused. How old is a thread when its considered old? In otherwords, when should we lock it? 30/60/90 days? two weeks?

Programming feeder Setup

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 23 08:46:19 EST 2004 | mmjm_1099

Has anyone else used the Multi-Job Balancer? I am considering this but of course cost is slowing down the decision making. On average we do a 30-60 feeder setup and switch out to about 4 jobs a day. So any input would be highly appreciated.

Pre-bake of Polyimide flex ? ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 22 21:14:53 EST 2004 | davef

IPC-FA-251 recommends 121*C for 30-60 minutes for 1 and 2 flex layer circuits. A rigid flex can take easily an hour per layer depending on the construction.

Solder not reflowing properly

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 27 15:48:05 EDT 2008 | grics

Again, our paste manufacturer specifies TAL to be 30-60 seconds. Out of curiousity, how would part placement cause de-wetting? I am fairly new to SMT so elaboration would be helpful... Thanks

environment Operational deg-C and RH% for Paste Printer

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 06 15:52:38 EDT 2002 | dason_c

It is normal recommended by the paste supplier. Indium paste claim that it can worked on high temp/RH area. Also, check Aim solder web site and they have a good solder paste handling guideline. Internally, we control our environment not exceed 27C

Peelable Masking

Electronics Forum | Tue May 10 13:47:17 EDT 2005 | amejia

I currently use Chemask CM8 Peelable Masking which currently takes 30 - 60 minutes to cure. Does anyone know of another solder masking which cures in less time at room temperature. I know that curing times decrease using an oven, but that is not an

Lead-free profile for big electrolytic cap

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 19 12:07:09 EDT 2008 | ck_the_flip

You answered your own question! Vapour phase is the way to go for this. Conventional ovens won't allow this, unless you find away to defy Physics. That's an absurd constraint to begin with: 200C. Most Sn-Pb profiles require 205 - 210 minimum for

SMT Conveyor Belt making / repair kit

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 20 04:21:11 EST 2010 | josh_brubaker

If it's just a break, you can easily glue it with a 2-part glue from Coolchem.com Look for the Integrator 75 and Activator 310. I was surprised at how well the glue holds up. This is one of those mystery products where the repair becomes stronger th

Ultrasonic wash for BGA

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 07:11:35 EDT 2017 | emeto

Now you are putting your assembly to vibrate with frequency of 30-60kHz. What kind of flux/paste are you using? If it is NC there is no reason to clean. If it is water wash, you should consider a proper way of cleaning it according to your paste/flux

Boards Storage

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 08 22:35:13 EST 2007 | davef

Suggestions are: * Procure solderable finishes that have sufficient thickness to avoid intermetallic problems and use storage conditions that do not promote oxide growth problems. * Bagging/sealing boards has been shown to extend storage durations i

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