Electronics Forum: 3021 (Page 1 of 1)

Selective Wave Solder Fixtures

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 14 14:08:41 EDT 2000 | Bob P

We are currently looking for a new vendor who specializes in selective wave solder fixtures within Southern New Hampshire or Mass. Can anyone recommend a good supplier(s)?

Assembly company available

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 13 12:35:40 EST 1999 | Bryan Bloom

San Diego electronic assembly company available for acquisition. 2Million in gross sales. email bbloom@san.rr.com for more information.

Re: Separation of Ceramic boards

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 21:45:34 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Alan: How are these boards finished for you? Have they been drilled and you "just" need to singulate them? Or do you need to drill them? Drilling equipment and services: * Laser Precise 200 Perimeter Park, Suite A Knoxville, TN 37922-2230 800-87


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