Electronics Forum: 3070 fixture (Page 1 of 1)

In search of��

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 25 15:13:57 EDT 1999 | MCox

A Test Fixture House, I need test and fixture development, along with someone who can service my existing test fixtures/programs I am running a HP3070 W Double density test cards� If anybody has some TESTimonials, that would be wonderful Thanks M

AOI vs. electrical test

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 03 15:16:53 EST 2006 | Cmiller

In circuit testing is expensive up front because of the fixture cost but the tests are fast. AOI programs can be develpoed in less than a day but take longer to run. If you have good test coverage, in circuit would be a better choice in my opinion-if

Re: testing after SMt assembly

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 21 10:11:57 EDT 1999 | Mark Quealy

| | Dear all | | Please help me to know what kind of tests usually done after SMT Pick & place and reflow oven. | | Our appliocation is Mainly fabrication of mother boards. | | Thanks | | | In theory, ICT is the classical answer (In-Circuit Test).

Re: testing after SMt assembly

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 23 10:16:16 EDT 1999 | Boca

| | | Dear all | | | Please help me to know what kind of tests usually done after SMT Pick & place and reflow oven. | | | Our appliocation is Mainly fabrication of mother boards. | | | Thanks | | | | | In theory, ICT is the classical answer (In-Ci


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