Electronics Forum: 3d x-ray price (Page 1 of 11)

Standalone X-Ray Systems

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 24 03:31:07 EDT 2024 | Harry

Some Chinese brand Standlong X-RAY machines are sufficient to handle large and complex PCBs, the price of 2D is about 40000usd, 3D:140000usd,

Standalone X-Ray Systems

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 23 23:02:45 EDT 2024 | SMTA-64387068

We have large ~18"x18" PCBAs with high-density components attached, including several large BGAs, QFPs and QFNs. Are there standalone X-Ray systems able to handle boards this large with good resolution, and if so, what are the typical price differenc

BGA x-ray services 3D

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 14 12:39:31 EST 2010 | gregcr

Hi All, We have a glenbrook x-ray in house, but I am in need of a high resolution x-ray of some failed BGA image sensors. Does anyone know of a company that does hi-res or 3D x-ray service? We are not getting enough detail to really see what may be

X-ray equipment

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 14 14:54:48 EDT 2015 | rangarajd

Hi! We are in the market to buy a 3D X-ray inspection system. I have short listed (1) Dage (2) Nikon (3) Yxlon to begin with. Please pass on your inputs & recommendations / experiences with some of the latest 3D X-ray equipments out there. We are

BGA x-ray services 3D

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 18 19:48:03 EST 2010 | glennster

Hi, At Process Sciences we can provide high-res X-ray inspection. You can view some sample images on our website. Glenn Robertson www.process-sciences.com

X-Ray Inspection

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 23 10:57:14 EDT 2010 | oeidave

Have you checked out YESTech X-Ray systems? Their 2D X-ray systems to fit your requirements and they are usually at a very reasonable price point for what you get. Good Luck

Re: Information on 2D and 3D automated optical inspection systems

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 07 13:49:52 EDT 1998 | Frank Silva

Paul, I work for a supplier of 2D and 3D x-ray inspection systems. If you are interested in discussing alternatives to AOI for post reflow SMT process monitoring and inspection I would be happy to discuss several strategy considerrations with you. W

x-ray systems

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 05 10:23:21 EST 2000 | g cronin

i am planning on implementing a new bga assembly and would like to have an x-ray system on hand during this process. I know that Glenbrook rents x-ray systems but the price is more per month than i would cost me to send out each PCB individually. D

AOI for defect detection at soldering process

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 30 07:34:23 EDT 2006 | Xray Tester

For Automated x-ray inpsection system comes in 2D and 3D. 2D also know as the transmission xray inspection where xray are generated from a fixed point source. On double side board, this does not work that well. That where 3D Automated x-ray inpsectio

BGA x-ray services 3D

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 26 12:29:09 EST 2010 | blnorman

A few years ago we sent some samples to Dage for them to analyze on one of their 3D systems.

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