Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 04 11:18:23 EDT 2003 | leonb
i need a dek 265lt vision card is there anyone who can help
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 28 15:06:21 EDT 2003 | valuems
Hello e-mail me at valuems@adelphia.net and I might be able to help you.
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 28 14:35:20 EDT 2003 | jgregory
Hello all, I'm in a pinch and need to know if anyone (re-seller or someone with a "dead" unit for parting out purposes) has a vision card for a DEK 288. Please reply with availability, pricing, location, etc. Also, include if you're willing negotiat
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 14 08:48:57 EST 2024 | andrii
hi, I have very very old DEK 265 Lt And I have a problem that Mr. processman described a long time ago. But no one answered him. Maybe someone can help me now? "We have a strange issue with a DEK 265 Lt, it powers up and initialises fine. Camera LE
Electronics Forum | Tue May 24 05:25:17 EDT 2005 | Zsolt
We had similar problem, the root cause was that the cooling fans on the VME rack were not working and the vision card hangs up if the temperature is too high. Also check the power supplies, we had also a problem that the filter condensator inside the
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 25 07:02:05 EDT 2005 | mikesn
Anyone knows of a repairer out there who can repair a cognex 5000 series vision card? This card is taken out of a Camelot/Gemini II. Thanks Mike.
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 25 07:32:12 EDT 2005 | prakash
My company provide service in terms of repairing the cognex vision card used in the Dek 265 GSX and 288 machines, and certain MPM and Camalot machines. I believe the Gemini II uses the 5000/5200 series vision card. Do contact me if you're interested.
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 04 13:23:10 EDT 2012 | jvoytovich
I've got an older (90s?) Contact 3Z system with a bad Falcon vision card. The CPU refuses to even enter the BIOS (or display anything on the monitor) with the card plugged in, but boots normally with it out. I'm looking for any advice on a replaceme
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 18 14:44:09 EDT 2012 | gregp
Hi Joe, Versatec acquired the assets of Contact Systems back in 2009. We service and support all Contact Systems machines. We have 61 Falcon cards in stock. Contact support@versatecsolutions.com for more details. Greg Pompea Versatec
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 27 07:56:57 EDT 2006 | aganim
Hi, I can offer repair of all line of cognex 5XXX boards. Please contact me for details: aganim@netvision.net.il See also our repair catalog at: http://www.aganim.com/kat_e.htm BR, Eli Aroshas
Industrial Sensor Vision International specializes in advanced camera technology of high resolution fast speed cameras for automation, AOI, 2-D/3-D, SPI inspection and wafer inspection.
3 Morse Road 2A
Oxford, CT USA
Phone: +1 203 592 8723