Electronics Forum: 4003 (Page 1 of 2)

Rogers 4003 and RF

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 06 17:17:13 EST 2000 | gary

I need a little help with RF and Rogers 4003 board material. My background was in digital and now I need to set up a new line to make small RF products (.5" x .5" or smaller). I want to find out about board platings, finishes/maskings and reasonable

Rogers 4003 and RF

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 06 17:17:13 EST 2000 | gary

I need a little help with RF and Rogers 4003 board material. My background was in digital and now I need to set up a new line to make small RF products (.5" x .5" or smaller). I want to find out about board platings, finishes/maskings and reasonable

ROGER 4003C bounding to Aluminum

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 21 02:31:27 EDT 2010 | rok

OGER 4003C bounding to Aluminum I am hoping someone might have the solution to my problem I have the following PCB: RO4003 Thickness: .2mm Layer: top single/ bottom ground plane Finish: silver top and bottom .2um Size: 3mmx6mm I need to bound/groun

Re: Package Drop Test

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 07 08:52:16 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Dreamerperson: Our Quality guy suggested the following: * ASTM D-775 and TAPPI T-802 * ASTM D-3332/Method B * ASTM D-880, D-4003 or TAPPI T-801 Ta

DEK 265 opinions needed please

Electronics Forum | Wed May 24 03:23:30 EDT 2000 | Dane Stokes

I would like to here some opinions from the industry on the DEK 265 models. All feed back positive or negative would be welcome. Main concerns are the Vortex and Proflow options are they worth the cost, or do they just add complications and extensive

Ceramic PCBs

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 18 21:05:26 EST 2007 | ludee_circuits

What kind of ceramic PCBs you need? Please offer more details. We could make PCB using RO4003 and 4350B materials.If there is anything I could do for you,please send me a email : kobe@ludeecircuits.com

Approach To Contamination Testing Of PCBs

Electronics Forum | Thu May 14 14:48:45 EDT 1998 | Dave F

We understand that testing for ionic contamination and surface insulation resistance measure different properties. We assemble printed circuit boards for other companies. We will not get combs on 90% of the boards that we assemble. We have no custo

Re: Approach To Contamination Testing Of PCBs

Electronics Forum | Thu May 14 19:05:02 EDT 1998 | Mike Konrad

Dave, Ionic contamination testers are considered to be a valuable tool to determine the cleanliness of both bare boards and post solder boards. There are some instances when SIR testing is more suitable for determining cleanliness than ionic contamin

Fuji IP-1 won't vision read PQFP64 package - any ideas?

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 15 15:23:12 EST 2007 | bvdb

The IP-1 vision error is" "Processing Error" er 401F 4003 which the FIP-I Operating Manual says the cause is "The actual number of leads on the part exceeds the number of leads in the Part Data". I have checked and re-checked the part data, lead

Re: Alloy 42 Anyone?

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 02 20:57:16 EST 2000 | Dave F

Hong Guan: When thinking about high nickel alloys: � Kovar, Alloy 42, and Invar are generally thought of as hermetic sealing materials, because of their coalescence with glass, platabililty, and coefficient of thermal expansion properties. � Permall

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