Electronics Forum: 4300 - 4% (Page 1 of 1)

Re: real placement rates

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 24 09:50:13 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach

200 boards/Hr and oven will reflow ~180 boards/Hr but the P&P machine will only place 700-950 CPH | when setup is taken into account. Minimum pitch is normally .020" and we place an Avg. of 491 TSSOPs and 217 BGAs a month. | We don't even bother wit

Re: real placement rates

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 24 12:12:52 EDT 1998 | smd

200 boards/Hr and oven will reflow ~180 boards/Hr but the P&P machine will only place 700-950 CPH | | when setup is taken into account. Minimum pitch is normally .020" and we place an Avg. of 491 TSSOPs and 217 BGAs a month. | | We don't even bother

Re: real placement rates

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 24 16:02:13 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach

200 boards/Hr and oven will reflow ~180 boards/Hr but the P&P machine will only place 700-950 CPH | | | when setup is taken into account. Minimum pitch is normally .020" and we place an Avg. of 491 TSSOPs and 217 BGAs a month. | | | We don't even bo

UV Curing Conveyor

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 22 15:25:37 EDT 2008 | davef

Most of the BIG suppliers of uV materials also offer ovens. Equipment, Assembly, Adhesive, Curing System, uV 1 Integrated Dispensing Solutions, 5311 Derry Ave Building D, Agoura Hills CA 91301; 818-597-4300 F818-597-4301 http://www.dispensinglink.co

Re: Nepcon 2000???

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 19 12:17:13 EST 1999 | marc p

| To ALL: | | Guess I have indicated that I am not supportive of Trade Shows in general. Make it very clear that I do not support Nepcon West, East, Southwest, Philly, Japan, or UK. Of all of them I feel that there should only be Nepcon West. |


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