Electronics Forum: 4639 (Page 1 of 1)

Black residue at end of wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 16 18:38:30 EST 2000 | cpgoh

Hi, I would appreciate some help here.. I am black residue with my wave soldering provess with my Electrovert machine sometimes, they are dotted all over the board ! I am also using no clean flux through an externel spry fluxer unit.. thanks Darren

Disaster Recovery Planning

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 06:08:42 EST 2001 | John Paul

Hi,Just wondering about the usage of diaster recovery planning for engineering.Due to the current climate we have been asked to develop a plan by a major O.E.M customer. just looking for input from other sites on the layout, proceedure etc. Risk ass

Disaster Recovery Planning

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 17:37:23 EST 2001 | davef

Try: http://www.bcpa.org/ http://www.drj.com/ http://www.fema.gov/library/bizindex.htm http://www.drj.com/new2dr/samples.htm NeoSafety (http://www.neosafety.com) Crisis Manager: Business Interruption Recovery Tool. Designated as a "Best Practices" so

grey appearance on solder joints after batch cleaning

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 11 14:05:11 EST 2014 | dontfeedphils

I can't speak too much as to why your joints are appearing dull, even with the booster. I can recommend a new chemistry that Kyzen has out that I've been running for about a year now. Price is about the same, it can be run at low(er) concentrations


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