Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 24 03:56:55 EDT 2015 | felo188
Hi, I am looking for documentation: Rommel LAG 55 WA 470 SC Will be grateful for help
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 22 10:05:08 EDT 2000 | Ron H
We are considering purchasing Quad's Meridian placement system. Can any users share their pros and cons about the system? Any information would be much appreciated. Please, users only, no sales types.
Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 30 16:39:57 EDT 2000 | Geo
We reseantly considered purchasing the Meridian Series machine but we changed our mind. The reason for that was that Quad does not have to many installations of the Equipment, also the fact that hardly any of their field techs. have much training on
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 19 12:32:19 EST 2002 | Chris Lampron
Good Day, I worked on one of these years ago. The only problem I can remember is the feeder rack had some play in it. This meant we had to re-trim pick positions after changing a reel. Oh yeah, it cost us $470.00 for a new component nozzle. Kind of
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 16 11:10:51 EDT 2000 | PeteC
Excessive bridging on SOICW-20, -16, SOIC-8, -14,-16. I've got a board, 4" x 6" w/ SOICs on bottom-side for wave solder. I've checked topside board temp for flux activation, wave height, wave surface with the glass check-plate going from 1" to 2" spa
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 31 20:13:49 EST 2001 | davef
Omega Engineering 800.826.6342 http://www.omega.com Dais Instruments, 470 Mount Hope Dr Baltimore, MD 21215 800.268.0857 fax 800.433.9971 Thermo Sensors 972-494-1566 Terra Universal Anaheim CA http://www.terrauni.com Saunders Technology [Temprobes]
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 04 14:13:34 EST 1999 | John Thorup
Hi Tim It sort of depends on the solder alloy being used and the particular assemblies being soldered. If you are using the usual 63/37 alloy I would consider 500 to be a bit warm unless the assembly required it. Some alloys would require a higher
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 21 10:13:19 EDT 1999 | Bill Bannister
The Brady PAM 5000 may work for you as well. I think they have a web site. This machine is smema compatible. It's automatically places barcode labels onto pcb's within an 18"x22" area with .020" accuracy. The labels can be placed at 0 or 90 deg onto
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 15 15:29:19 EDT 2018 | emeto
You see, if you can optimize your product setup that will be the best. Back in the days, engineers used only standard values. For resistors for example I used to build boards having 100, 330, 470, 1k, 3.3k.....Sometimes that means you might end up wi
Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 30 23:57:11 EDT 2000 | DL
I have to agree with Geo. I've a number of years exp. with Quad Machines and currently waiting for the Installation of the APS-1H so I can be trained. However, the quad techs take no prisoners when it comes to chasing down bugs. The Meridian is Quads