Electronics Forum: 5.13 (Page 1 of 2)

Heller MK5 13 Zone Conveyor Adjust

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 08:16:27 EDT 2021 | shmevan91

Hi, Could anyone shed some light why a mk5 13 zone heller ovens rail width won't auto adjust? has to be done by hand every time we change product. The board support rail will adjust just not the main rail, have tried swapping the two cards around bu

Mydata feeders not compatible

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 08:31:03 EST 2013 | cyber_wolf

I believe you need 1.5.13 or higher if I'm not mistaken to run the mags with the button upgrade. There is no way around it that I am aware of.

Heller MK5 13 Zone Conveyor Adjust

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 08:55:08 EDT 2021 | bukas

have you checked how is oven configured in oven setup wizard? if you run it now you should be able to see current config. make sure you backup old config before making any changes.

Heller MK5 13 Zone Conveyor Adjust

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 10:02:58 EDT 2021 | shmevan91

Yes this has been checked, had to change them to manual in order to manually adjust the rail width by hand by turning the chain.

Heller MK5 13 Zone Conveyor Adjust

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 10:04:25 EDT 2021 | shmevan91

Rail width won't move at all, tried a motor from another oven to rule that out but still no joy

Heller MK5 13 Zone Conveyor Adjust

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 10:35:28 EDT 2021 | bukas

did it work before? have you checked all position/home switches and sensors?

Heller MK5 13 Zone Conveyor Adjust

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 11:12:12 EDT 2021 | shmevan91

Hi, Yes was all working until factory was shut for a week and then when powering back up it would not move, all sensors have been checked and working as they should, everything has been checked to make sure its not jammed/stuck.

Heller MK5 13 Zone Conveyor Adjust

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 12:36:32 EDT 2021 | bukas

do you have a HDD backup? I often had a problem with HDD after a longer pauses.

Heller MK5 13 Zone Conveyor Adjust

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 18 10:07:46 EDT 2021 | bukas

have you tried HDD restore jet? another thing, two ovens with same malfunction after period of not being used sounds much like bad electrolytic capacitors... how old are the machines?

Heller MK5 13 Zone Conveyor Adjust

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 18 10:13:20 EDT 2021 | shmevan91

Haven't tried that yet as we don't have backups of them. The ovens are about 5 years old, our next step it to change the main card and reinstall as we have one as spares, just waiting for a break in production to do it.

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