Electronics Forum: 50-20[0] (Page 1 of 4)

Electrovert Electra Wave Solder

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 13 10:50:20 EDT 2003 | russ

You would probably need to get a hold of Cookson. 408-727-4650 Russ

US based Fast Turn board shop

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 22 12:50:20 EDT 2005 | secme

Alchemy Circuits in Colorado. email for quote at rkmoore@alchemytechnologies.com

PCB Material

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 23 13:50:20 EST 2006 | TM

What PCB Material should we be using for RoHS/Lead Free Assembly?

Re: IPC Standards and ISO 9000

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 08 11:50:20 EST 2000 | Michael Parker

The only instant disqualification I know of is when you are caught wearing a Sears Poncho instead of the genuine article. If not sure of the difference, get Camarillo Brillo to through a Tarot to find out.

Re: TV Sound Transmitter

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 30 15:50:20 EST 2000 | Kyle

Something like this in kit form or assembled should be available out of Nuts and Volts Magazine from one of their advertisers.

solution for gold cleaning

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 17 22:50:20 EDT 2000 | Sartor

I am looking for a solution for gold finger cleaning and repairing.Can anyone recommend good solution(s)?Also,can anyone recommend a good flux paste source(s)?Thanks.

Contact TFS8 Feeders Wanted

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 12 11:50:20 EDT 1999 | Chris May

Has anybody got any (or know of any) surplus 8mm Smart Feeders for the Contact 3AV machine ???? Regards, Chris

BGA Bowing on the corners.

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 22 09:50:20 EDT 2003 | Mike Snider

I am placing a plastic Cypress, 256 pin BGA on a small assembly, and I cannot stop the corners from bowing. I've moved my profile up and down with no results. Any suggestions?

Manufacturing breakthroughs?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 04 06:50:20 EDT 2003 | welsh

With so much Miniaturisation over the last ten years,one kind of non-stop breakthough will be the size of components placed so accuratly and in such large volumes. And the ongoing problems arising from everything getting smaller. What about Tracebil

Solder in wave soldering: Which one is the best?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 28 12:50:20 EST 2005 | russ

If you don't have Plated through holes you will not get any hole fill! There is nothing for the solder to wet to. Problem solved? Russ

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