Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 13 10:50:20 EDT 2003 | russ
You would probably need to get a hold of Cookson. 408-727-4650 Russ
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 22 12:50:20 EDT 2005 | secme
Alchemy Circuits in Colorado. email for quote at rkmoore@alchemytechnologies.com
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 23 13:50:20 EST 2006 | TM
What PCB Material should we be using for RoHS/Lead Free Assembly?
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 08 11:50:20 EST 2000 | Michael Parker
The only instant disqualification I know of is when you are caught wearing a Sears Poncho instead of the genuine article. If not sure of the difference, get Camarillo Brillo to through a Tarot to find out.
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 30 15:50:20 EST 2000 | Kyle
Something like this in kit form or assembled should be available out of Nuts and Volts Magazine from one of their advertisers.
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 17 22:50:20 EDT 2000 | Sartor
I am looking for a solution for gold finger cleaning and repairing.Can anyone recommend good solution(s)?Also,can anyone recommend a good flux paste source(s)?Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 12 11:50:20 EDT 1999 | Chris May
Has anybody got any (or know of any) surplus 8mm Smart Feeders for the Contact 3AV machine ???? Regards, Chris
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 22 09:50:20 EDT 2003 | Mike Snider
I am placing a plastic Cypress, 256 pin BGA on a small assembly, and I cannot stop the corners from bowing. I've moved my profile up and down with no results. Any suggestions?
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 04 06:50:20 EDT 2003 | welsh
With so much Miniaturisation over the last ten years,one kind of non-stop breakthough will be the size of components placed so accuratly and in such large volumes. And the ongoing problems arising from everything getting smaller. What about Tracebil
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 28 12:50:20 EST 2005 | russ
If you don't have Plated through holes you will not get any hole fill! There is nothing for the solder to wet to. Problem solved? Russ