Electronics Forum: 510mm (Page 1 of 1)


Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 07 09:44:31 EST 2023 | spoiltforchoice

As you can see from the replies, lighting/displays is the big one, it's also the example customer sales will use when they are offering machines that can handle large boards. We manufacture large boards occasionally and they are typically backplane

Problem with y-axis Yamaha84 SMT mounter

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 25 09:20:10 EDT 2005 | meritajs

Hi, We have problem with y-axis offset at YM84 After setting the ORIGIN machine operate exactly but after sometime y-axis recieves offset bis 5-10mm.After repeated setting ORIGIN Y-coordinat became exact. The same things take place if we operate in W

need license for longboard option on my DEK Horizon 03i please

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 02 13:55:58 EDT 2020 | lesfarnacer

hi , need help please with my DEK Horizon 03i , we trying to programme a longboard 600mm on the printer and board lengh on our printer is limited to 510mm . I checked on the hardware eve thing is ok but in the software we don't have the longboard op

New SMT line - P&P equipment selection help

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 11:48:51 EDT 2005 | Rob

Simple Greg, we are users of machines & you are a manufacturer of machines. How many times have you personally found that your Fuji is too small to handle your boards recently? The customer has a Panasonic CM202, which from memory goes from 50x50mm

Electra 600F

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 17:50:43 EDT 2002 | pjc

There are no "standard" spray fluxers that come w/ the Electra. The spray fluxers offered are: SelectaSpray? -Fixed multiple nozzles spray fluxer, 510 mm (20 in. ) Max width AccuSpray?- Reciprocating spray fluxer, 600 mm ( 24 in.) ext. only) Opti-Flu


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