Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 19 05:49:05 EST 1998 | Jim Mitchell
Scott - Please give me a call at 732-728-0951 and we can set up an event number and update you to version 5.25. It sounds like you may have an older version of the software. Jim Mitchell, Quad Systems
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 27 12:44:36 EST 2001 | Mike Lynn
Try Veeco Electrofab (714)525-6257 (Anaheim, CA) - ask for Jack Singh.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 02 09:39:04 EDT 2013 | bobpan
Put a cd in your disk drive....this usually fixes the error. Good luck
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 02 10:26:47 EDT 2013 | dporada
Thanks, the CD fixed that problem. Now I get the message "Environment variable, ApWrk, is not defined." "Exit Windows and set the environment variable before running AutoProgram again." Any ideas how to fix this one? What is the difference betwee
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 04 15:57:46 EST 1999 | Dave F
I'm with John. Back in the old MIL-2000 days, the pot temperature was 245-275C (475-525F). Now, 240-260C (460-480 F) is more accepted for eutechic (eutechicish) solder. My2� Dave F
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 13 17:03:51 EST 2005 | davef
While you're waiting for others to reply, try: UPS discussion Forum http://www.tek-tips.com/threadminder.cfm?pid=525&page=2
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 01 10:05:20 EDT 2006 | geb
Ok, thank you. I want to reduce the maximum temperature that the profiler reaches. I reckon that I need to get a shielding box for it. Can anyone recommend a shield that is cheaper from a UK supplier. �525 from KIC's distributor is too expensive.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 20 13:19:58 EST 2011 | davemac62
Production Automation St. Louis 1.816.525.1818 AIM 63/37 T5 700gm cartridge. NoClean
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 02 11:26:12 EDT 2013 | bobpan
Your autoexec.bat and config.sys probably have problems. There is a line for the apwrk that needs to be in autoexec.bat. go to: www.precision-repairs.com and e-mail me....much easier that way
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 22 09:18:38 EDT 2014 | brantco
Hi Everyone i am looking for a copy of Autoprogram i thing version 5.25 maybe i believe the machine i have has 5.11 any help would be very appreciated