Electronics Forum: 5k perform chemicals (Page 1 of 9)

Ultrasonic washing for boards

Electronics Forum | Tue May 03 10:57:22 EDT 2005 | Frank R.

We received about 5K assembly boards from china. They left flux residu on top of the board and the flux they use was different than us. RESULT ... we use a translucent cylicon to cover the board and it was not possible to dry the cylicon because of

Comparison between Vitech and Mirtec

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 07 12:26:02 EST 2011 | seshadri

Dear friends, I would like to have your comment on Vitech and Mirtec. We have used Vi - 5K Perform in our facility and we have been requested by our customer to have AOI with side angle camera for the automotive board inspection for a up coming proj

Universal Instruments Lightning Heads

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 26 17:26:02 EDT 2007 | jax

So far, So good! We are currently standardizing the Lightning Head Advantis as our chip-shooter. We only place chip packages, 0201-1206 with the Lightning Head and everything runs great. We performed qualification testing with components up to 20mm

BGA re-balling yields

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 22 07:54:18 EDT 2009 | clampron

Cood Morning, We have a similar situation. We have had a large volume (5K) of RoHS BGA's reballed with 63/37. We have had only a few failures most of which do not appear to be related to that particular BGA. Potential BGA failures are running under

does any one know if you must register a ViTech 5000 AOI machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 15 07:47:28 EDT 2011 | edmaya33

Any input on this machine good or bad would be > help ful, thanks This is a Good machine. 5K AOI Perform machine is easy to program and had a built in inline defect viewer. Low false failure/call compare to other platform. Able to detect skew, bri

Re: Quad 100 History

Electronics Forum | Tue May 11 15:50:25 EDT 1999 | Russell Bartley

| | | | What is a Quad 100 with vision and glue dispenser worth these days? | | | | | | | JJ: It's similar, but not the same ... A friend bought a Quad 100, vision, couple of 8mm feeders, and 13 vib bases w/platforms for $5k last month. I told him

Tact Time Estimates

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 09 18:33:04 EST 2003 | Dean

Tact time is a poor measure of your throughput capability. The Number of boards produced per hour or shift or 24 hour period is the true measure of what you are really doing. Your theoretial "tact time" can be used as a metric to judge performance,

inline AOI (whats the best!)

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 07 08:57:19 EST 2011 | edmaya33

5K with perform Head is amazing.You just need to make sure that during debug mode, the score should be 90%. Polarity, position, bridge, flip/tombstone/billboard, present/absent and solder condition ( and even OCR/OCV )is remarkable. Acceptance level

Line Performance data collection,

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 31 18:50:01 EST 2023 | markhoch

You might want to look into the Vorne XL Productivity Appliance. You connect it to your line by connecting it to a sensor that will trigger an input. (I used the exit sensor on the pre-reflow conveyor). It's probably the most cost effective productiv

PCB Washing No Clean

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 27 01:34:30 EDT 2011 | samsim

I fully agreed do not CLEAN the NON CLEAN process. However, some customer may request to clean the non clean process; and they willing to pay for it. In order to clean the non clean processes (the residual on the board), you need to consider the comp

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