Electronics Forum: 6

Selective Soldering Equipment

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 07 10:29:17 EST 2007 | dyoungquist

Even if it is 300 hours, using a conservative estimate of that time being worth $20/hr the machine saved $6,000 in one month. At $6,000/month the ROI is probably no more than 1 year which is good. From what I have seen in this forum over the last c

Rework station

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 11 11:34:09 EST 2004 | babe

The Metcal will run you around $5,000.00. The Pace is over $6,000.00. Check out Hakko model 852/853 for under $2,000.00 If your in the NewEngland area call us we sell them also.

What does it take to rework qfp's?

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 11 09:50:22 EST 2004 | jpa

Do I need a $6,000 tool to for this or can it be done for less? Thanks for any input!

Selecting an SMT Line

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 14 09:27:52 EDT 1998 | Greg Dowd

We are a small contract assembly shop hand placing SMT. We recently received a large contract for SMD that will require placement rates of at least 6,000 CPH. I am looking at Fuji, Mydata, Quad, and Zevatech. I have little experience with automated S

Solvent for a stencil printer

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 23 12:22:32 EST 2004 | esoderberg

I have an MPM SPM and two Ekra E4 screen printers. I have always run them dry with vacuum. I am also using no-clean paste and have not had a problem. The volume I run per day on the machines is 4 - 6,000 bds

BGA Repair information

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 12 02:11:35 EST 2014 | acepa

We have 6,000 TI BGA's to remove from a PCBA and reball for reuse. TI DaVinci BGA, DIG, Media, 284 ball part number TMS320DM8148SCYEO Does anyone have a formal repair procedure or knowledge of such rework for such a part they would be willing to sh

Re: Chart of SMT Component styles/packaging

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 20 04:42:02 EDT 1999 | park kyung sam

we did this for pad design of pcb and can also use it off- line programming for mounter. we had checked out all the component we used in our factory. we sorted 600 kinds parts using part size(L,W,T) ,number of lead ,shape with over 6,000 parts. a

Winamp RIP

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 15 22:28:51 EST 2014 | padawanlinuxero

dave I am so sorry for Lou he had to be a good man for you to remember him so fondly, but Winamp is not death! here : http://gizmodo.com/an-ode-to-winamp-1487246843/1500988875/@ericlimer and I quote : "Last month, Winamp sauntered up to the brink

JUKI vs UIC Pick N Place Machines

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 09 11:09:56 EST 2018 | reckless

Most likely I am doubling the budget mostly because of the feeders. I am leaning to Juke 750/760. Most likely will end up buying 2 of them once we are fully up and running and understanding everything. We are looking for a good old dinosaur who

static electricity buildup

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 24 21:25:46 EDT 2002 | davef

PROPER GROUNDING OF THE "OBJECT" PCBA BOARD: You cannot ground an insulator. Insulators accumulate a charge, but the charge must be neutralized, usually by ionization. We only use ionizers at tape stations and bins where travelers and other paper

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