Electronics Forum: 6.00 (Page 1 of 2)

Question about Cost

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 07 07:06:10 EDT 2012 | jdengler

Joe, If you order and take all 1000 boards in one delivery you should be in the $6.00 to $9.00 range for labor only. Jerry

Re: Used HP382, HP735 and 745 Computers Available

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 28 16:32:23 EST 1998 | Frank Cumbow

Manny, I have serious interest in the 382's that you have to offer. Please contact me at my work number (1-800-969-1331)between the hours of 9:00-6:00 on Monday March 30. If all is in order, my intent is to buy multiple units for delivery ASAP. Tha

Lead Free

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 27 08:28:57 EST 2003 | caldon

Ming- You are correct ACI does have training...and aslo they will be working with the local SMTA for a lead free day on Nov 20th I think. Please contact Jeff Stong at jstong@aciusa.org. They alao have a free session on Nov 4th where Kester and Metcal

Time to retire the wave?

Electronics Forum | Tue May 22 17:13:58 EDT 2007 | mefloump

No nitrogen generator. We have a service bring us nitrogen tanks every week and have the machine set up so if one goes empty, we can turn on the other one to keep a seamless flow of productivity. Our waves run from 6:00 am until 3:30 am between 2 shi

Component Testing for RoHS

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 17 07:31:06 EST 2005 | Gordon Biezeveld

Dear Amol, UL has a world wide Restricted Substances Compliance Services program that you might find interesting. Just send me an e-mail in which you tell me both your office adress, and/or type of product - I will inform you, whom best to contact.

ESD Flooring

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 23 09:19:38 EST 2006 | Bruce

for years we have all delt with the choices of endless products to use as flooring to create an ESD safe area for electronics assembly, I have spoke with "ESD TECH's" in the past that have told me a "clean / Bare concreate floor" provides as much di

Re: Pay scale

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 04 06:04:59 EDT 1999 | Joe Fields

| | What is the average pay that a SMT Programmer would get? The machines would be Fuji and Universal. | | This is going to open up a can of worms involving phrases relating to monkeys and peanuts. I have come across a spectrum of scales depending on

New SMTnet Site Changes

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 05 11:34:44 EST 1999 | Clifford Peaslee @ SMTnet

SMTnet Site Changes This weekend SMTnet will get a facelift. We have redesigned some of our serviecs, and have added new ones. Some of the new features are SMTnet Email, New Database Driven PCBCE Mart, New Directory Database With Enhanced Searching a

New SMTnet Site Changes

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 05 11:32:08 EST 1999 | Clifford Peaslee @ SMTnet

SMTnet Site Changes This weekend SMTnet will get a facelift. We have redesigned some of our serviecs, and have added new ones. Some of the new features are SMTnet Email, New Database Driven PCBCE Mart, New Directory Database With Enhanced Searching a

Counting loose parts

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 25 10:29:32 EDT 2003 | caldon

Hey Mike- We ran into the same thing when we purchased a Large CanadianManufacturers repair business. We were creative and first used an ESD bag cut open (Simulate the paper idea) then we used a 3M parts bin and would tip it on its corner to funnel t

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