Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 18 11:21:03 EDT 2001 | davef
An interesting explanation [from a design engineer perspective] of "skin effect" in RF circuits can be found at http://www.ednmag.com/ednmag/reg/2001/04122001/08john.htm
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 21 03:13:28 EST 2003 | mantis
Nele. You can find a file converter for .s19 and hex to .bin formats at this site. http://www.techedge.com.au/utils/bincvt.htm its a very useful tool. Regards
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 21 10:07:53 EDT 2000 | Mike Rowell
Hello Sophia, I am an applications engineer for Speedline/MPM. I'd be happy to help you with your questions. feel free to e-mail me or contact me at Speedline/MPM. There are many factors that could cause problems with the print process, I would pref
Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 26 12:17:02 EST 1998 | Dave F
| Any one know a good stencil vendor who can produce stencils below .002" foil with appetures at .004" on .008" pitch? AMTX use to be my vendor but they are closed down. | | Thanks, | | Chris Grendler | Chris: One source of e-formed stencils r
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 20 14:53:54 EST 2003 | nele
Hi, i hade a backup crash of data and I lost a .bin file for microcontroler mc68705P, but I find on one computer file with .s19 extension. Can you please give me some informations how I can program a mc68705p with .s19 file. Do I need some convertor
Electronics Forum | Tue May 23 20:54:44 EDT 2000 | Dave F
Justin: Hey guy you still Mr. Prototype, Small Lot Size? Or have you move on to other things? We either print or dispense goop off-line. May be these guys can help: * TechnoISEL, 2101 Jericho Turnpike, NHyde Park, NY 11040 516.328.3970 fax 8827
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 10 22:45:06 EDT 2002 | davef
A field meter would be nice. Suppliers are: http://www.sar101.com/cpf/handheld.htm We like: M265, Stat Arc II [Monroe Electronics, 100 Housel Avenue, Lyndonville, NY 14098 800-821-6001]. It would be good to words like 'chopper stabalized' in the d
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 23 13:01:54 EDT 2008 | wschulz
Hey guys, My company is currently looking into developing a SMT line. I have an interesting perspective on this due to the fact that I worked a SMT line for quite a few years as an equipment operator. Now I am an engineer and at a different company
Electronics Forum | Thu May 03 10:23:33 EDT 2001 | davef
Yes, Alpha's frames help develop upper body strength. All stencils, regardless of the type of frame, can have loose foils. Stencils with removable foils require a specialized storage system for the foils and lots of band-aids. Some foil frame su
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 28 20:34:38 EST 1998 | Chris Grendler
| | Any one know a good stencil vendor who can produce stencils below .002" foil with appetures at .004" on .008" pitch? AMTX use to be my vendor but they are closed down. | | | | Thanks, | | | | Chris Grendler | | | Chris: One source of e-for