Electronics Forum: 600smd (Page 1 of 1)

omega meter 600 smd

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 10 09:11:59 EDT 2005 | davef

What does Cookson [ http://www.scscookson.com/parylene_equipment/testing-ionograph.cfm ] say?

omega meter 600 smd

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 12 16:26:38 EDT 2005 | Roberto Rodriguez

Thanks Davef

omega meter 600 smd

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 08 12:54:02 EDT 2005 | Roberto Rodriguez

I have a omega meter 600 SMD, but I need a calibration Certificated and Service Support, I'm tring to find in Internet but this machine is OLD. Do you know a company give this Service? Please contact to Email. Roberto.Rodriguez@Teradyne.com Eng. Ro

Electromigration Testing

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 13:16:23 EDT 2004 | GS

Hi Davef, if by using Omegameter 600 SMD I am reading 1,56 microgram NaCL/sqcm, what is the real value I am measuring? considering the 14 sensitivity ?

Ionic testing and No-Clean flux

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 04 09:23:21 EST 2000 | Casimir Budzinski

If No-Clean flux does not need to be cleaned, then why do I get readings of up to 27(ug NaCl/sq in) on boards that are not washed, up to 23.4(ug NaCl/sq in) on boards washed with DI water only and from 1.2 to 10.1(ug NaCl/sq in) on boards washed with

Electromigration Testing

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 04 06:25:07 EDT 2004 | GS

Many Thanks Dave for your patience (GBY). I was just trying to give a chance to our connector Supllier to read few micrograms less of NaCl found with the connectors. But even if using a "bonus formula" they are out of specs. Following it could be i


Electronics Forum | Sun May 09 16:25:00 EDT 2004 | gabriele

Military and most commercial standards requires > post-soldered boards to measure less than 10 > �g/in of NaCl (14 when using an Omegameter, 20 > on a Ionagraph, and 37 on a Zero-Ion). > > As Dave > stated, 6.5 �g/in of NaCl is called out in >


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