Electronics Forum: 6241b vcd insertion machine problem (Page 1 of 1)

6241B VCD Insertion Machine Problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 24 11:00:36 EDT 1998 | Francisco Becerra

I have a problem with the insertion tooling of a 6241B VCD Insertion Machine. I must replace most of the parts of the insertion head but the screws of the Rails has the socket head damage, so it is not possible using the Allen Tool. I am looking for

6241B VCD Insertion Machine Problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 24 10:59:59 EDT 1998 | Francisco Becerra

I have a problem with the insertion tooling of a 6241B VCD Insertion Machine. I must replace most of the parts of the insertion head but the screws of the Rails has the socket head damage, so it is not possible using the Allen Tool. I am looking for

Re: 6241B VCD Insertion Machine Problem

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 25 01:26:52 EDT 1998 | Mikec

| I have a problem with the insertion tooling of a 6241B VCD Insertion Machine. I must replace most of the parts of the insertion head but the screws of the Rails has the socket head damage, so it is not possible using the Allen Tool. | I am looking

6241B Combi Insertion Machine communication Problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 22 07:39:16 EDT 2014 | hemant_pang23

I have problem with the 6241B Combi inseration machine The PC showing the Error Massage as " NO STATUS MASSAGES FOR THIS MACHINE " We have changed the ICs DS14C88N , DS3487N & DS3486N but of no use since getting same error massage Pls help us to res

6241B Combi Insertion Machine communication Problem

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 24 06:33:07 EDT 2014 | sarason

Since you are chasing down communication errors as a likely root cause of your problem. Perhaps the RS232 COmmunicaions chip was taken out as well. This was a common enough problem in glorious days gone past fixing really old RS232 gear. ALso caps Po

Set Command Variables

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 09 10:32:49 EST 2005 | primus

Hello there! I am familiar with the Set Command Variables available on our older UIC through-hole machines, and am investigating the possibility of making these variables available to our operators. Over the past years, our operators have been train


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