Electronics Forum | Wed May 30 10:21:10 EDT 2001 | Steve
Rather than meausre the stencil, why not measure it's output. The stencils function is to gage the right amount of solder in the right location. If you are measuring paste volume and you are tracking via SPC, you will begin to see a degradation when
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 09 11:58:32 EST 2004 | jmr2
We have a X- ray machine, CRX2000 from CR technology and Am having difficulties in locating a this company. for service and spare parts If anyone has any ideas, it would be greatly appreciated
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 09 12:14:02 EST 2004 | fastek
Juan- Sorry to say but CR Tech/Photon Dynamics no longer exists. There are people around that support these machines however. Someone will post the names of a few I'm sure.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 09 12:48:29 EST 2004 | pjc
Contact YESTech. www.yestechinc.com 1221 Puerta Del Sol, Suite 500 San Clemente, CA 92673 Phone: 949.361.2714 Fax: 949.361.2724 Email: info@yestechinc.com They are sort of the reincarnation of CR Tech.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 14 09:38:37 EST 2004 | toddlamarche
Hi Juan, What problems are you having? I support x-ray systems on an independent basis and would be happy to offer you some assistance and maybe save you some money. You are welcome to email me if you are interested.
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 15 21:13:17 EST 2004 | chenandy
My company have CRX-2000 machine,right now have some problem,director controller box up/down & forward/back always automatic move
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 15 23:29:13 EST 2004 | KEN
FocalSpot may be able to help you. http://www.focalspot.com/ I have a CX machine too. They have done an excellent job servicing my needs.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 13 12:58:26 EST 2004 | JA
Juan, Try Hamamatsu directly. (908) 231-1116 e-mail: usa@hamamatsu.com Ask for "RE-LOAD" pricing. Make sure you have the tube serial number and model available. Some units cannot be re-used. You will find the serial # on the side of tube housing. J
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