Electronics Forum: 740 feeder (Page 1 of 1)

Juki 740 troubleshooting - Component Standing

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 04 21:50:24 EDT 2008 | jti

We're running only our second job on our newly aquired Juki 740 The problem I'm having is as follows, I program the locations, component info, pick info, all fine. When I have the machine measure the component, everything comes up fine, it returns t

Re: real placement rates

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 24 12:12:52 EDT 1998 | smd

200 boards/Hr and oven will reflow ~180 boards/Hr but the P&P machine will only place 700-950 CPH | | when setup is taken into account. Minimum pitch is normally .020" and we place an Avg. of 491 TSSOPs and 217 BGAs a month. | | We don't even bother

Re: real placement rates

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 24 16:02:13 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach

200 boards/Hr and oven will reflow ~180 boards/Hr but the P&P machine will only place 700-950 CPH | | | when setup is taken into account. Minimum pitch is normally .020" and we place an Avg. of 491 TSSOPs and 217 BGAs a month. | | | We don't even bo

Need opinion about KE740 and KE760 !

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 03 22:00:32 EST 2006 | fdr4prez

Yes Rick, you are correct, Zevatech HBA, PPM7 & > PPM9 were all designed and built by Swiss. That > was a long long time ago. Sorry, I guess I forgot about those old beasts. Then don't forget about the good old CATs and Microns made by Zevatech

Having issues placing 0603 components on my used Juki 740...

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 11 11:05:53 EDT 2016 | bradholland

thanks for the replies so far. So far I have been relying on the board clamp on the machine that closes when the pwb is loaded. I have also been doing these tests with double sided tape on the pwb so i can clean them off easier afterwards. I have

Re: Selecting an SMT Line

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 15 02:17:37 EDT 1998 | Doug Kester

| We are a small contract assembly shop hand placing SMT. We recently received a large contract for SMD that will require placement rates of at least 6,000 CPH. I am looking at Fuji, Mydata, Quad, and Zevatech. I have little experience with automated


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