Electronics Forum: 96.5sn/3ag/0.5cu tri bar (Page 1 of 9)

Re: Electrum bar solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 25 19:46:25 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| Has anyone used bar solder from a company called "Electrum Inc." | What kind of results did you have? | | Hammer: Try: Electrum Recovery Works 827 Martin St Rahway, NJ 07065 908-396-1616 800-622-1192 Canada 800-535-1192 Fax: 908-396-9390 John S

Re: Electrum bar solder

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 26 08:17:07 EDT 1999 | Brian

| | Has anyone used bar solder from a company called "Electrum Inc." | | What kind of results did you have? | | | | | Hammer: Try: | | Electrum Recovery Works 827 Martin St Rahway, NJ 07065 908-396-1616 800-622-1192 Canada 800-535-1192 Fax: 908-3

Re: Electrum bar solder

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 26 08:15:13 EDT 1999 | Brian

| | Has anyone used bar solder from a company called "Electrum Inc." | | What kind of results did you have? | | | | | Hammer: Try: | | Electrum Recovery Works 827 Martin St Rahway, NJ 07065 908-396-1616 800-622-1192 Canada 800-535-1192 Fax: 908-3

Best source for 50lb of SN100C bar

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 31 15:01:12 EDT 2008 | dyoungquist

Try Powell Industries (www.powellindustries.com). We bought 50lbs from them about 6 weeks ago. It comes in 25lb boxes and I think you can order just 1 box if that is all you need.

SPM Printer, MIssing side bar to scroll and change values

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 02 08:07:03 EDT 2008 | realchunks

Try adjusting your monitor - it may be there, just out of view.

SPM Printer, MIssing side bar to scroll and change values

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 02 08:56:05 EDT 2008 | proy

I tried that! Peter

Is anyone using K100 bar solder? Why or why not?

Electronics Forum | Tue May 16 04:30:52 EDT 2006 | Rob

Take some of your boards along & run them. Try the same with the other alloys and see which suits your products best (make sure you make a note of the fluxes being used, and if the machines have similar preheats, nitrogen etc than yours).

Is anyone using K100 bar solder? Why or why not?

Electronics Forum | Mon May 15 11:16:10 EDT 2006 | timnop

In an attempt to re-establish this thread as a serious request for professional experience and opinions on the Kester K100LD product, let me ask again!..... Have any of you professionals out there tried this product and if so, what was your experienc

Is anyone using K100 bar solder? Why or why not?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 11 08:27:15 EDT 2006 | timnop

We will be receiving our lead free wave solder machine soon and I have been doing a lot of reading here. I've seen many dicussions about SAC vs. SN100C for wave applications and am leaning heavily towards the SN100C for my process. I haven't seen any

GSM2 spindles Not seen for head

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 29 09:39:02 EDT 2015 | rgduval

Hey, David, For service, check out 4TechUSA over in Detroit. It's not Chicago, but, you're closer to Detroit up there than I am down here in Houston :) For your issue....do you have access to the UIC Knowledge Base? The first issue I found in the

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