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Solder paste Thawing

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 13 09:54:45 EST 2006 | TZ

Why not use microwave oven, it would be faster ? Be careful, rheology and all paste's characteristics are strongly dependent from the "not stressing" reaction moving from low temperature to Room Temperature. Best regards TZ

Solder paste Thawing

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 13 10:39:18 EST 2006 | fredericksr

I'd be curious if a microwave would activate the flux. I'd also suspect that the metal content of solder might just give you that excellent "microwave+fork" effect. I can see this R+D failing miserably. -Russ

Solder paste Thawing

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 13 12:43:05 EST 2006 | Chunks

Sure, if your solder joints are reliabale after reflow. TZ is right about watching how you mix it, but 9 minutes sounds like it's not moving too fast. What brand of mixer are you using?

Solder paste Thawing

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 13 13:46:23 EST 2006 | slthomas

You can put metal in a microwave (at least you can mine) as long as it doesn't contact the enclosure, but there's no way you'll get consistent heating of the volume in a microwave, even if it employs a "carousel".

Solder paste Thawing

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 14 01:11:06 EST 2006 | pavel_murtishev

Good morning, Solder paste softeners are designed to allow solder paste reach ambient temperature during shorter time period (only 5-10 minutes instead of hours). You are preparing your material in right way. No reason to worry. BR, Pavel

Solder paste Thawing

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 13 09:18:06 EST 2006 | sumxp

Certain paste mfg specify 6 hours paste thawing time to normalize the temperature. I am using solder paste softerner to spin the paste taken out from fridge for 9 minutes and measure the paste temperature in jar.It is around 26'c(same as the ambient

Re: Script error with Personal/Professional Links Edit Option

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 13:06:34 EDT 1999 | Charles J Tragesser

I think I found the problem. I have the "My SMTnet" page set as an active desktop item in Win98. When I pull up the page in my regular browser, the aforementioned option works. Thanks for your time. | Charles, | | We cannot recreate the error vi

Solder paste Thawing

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 14 09:30:42 EST 2006 | cyber_wolf

Pardon me for being so bold, but I still cannot understand to this day why solder paste thawing is an issue. I am not sure what types of paste you all are using but it has been my experience that the only thing you gain by refrigerating is 3 months

Solder paste Thawing

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 14 14:26:13 EST 2006 | Chunks

Well, you don't want your paste to spoil! It'll give it a bad aftertaste. Actually, we refrig our paste mainly cause our stock room gets rather on the toasty side. Jars left un-friged will cause the metals to sink and leave a puddle of flux on top


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