Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 01 09:20:42 EST 2005 | rlackey
I remember Metro Nozzles mentioning that they are bringing out a new "blade" nozzle soon to allow closer density placement of 0402's & 0603's than the 08MPF allows. Also noticed that you get far better placement with a 1 mil camera than a 4 mil, coz
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 13 18:35:53 EST 2023 | stephendo
I think that the top secret part is mounted on a flex rigid board. And it only looks like it is a display with a ribbon connected to the yellow board. I think the yellow board and white board were made with the flex connection and the display mounted
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 16 09:48:44 EST 2005 | jdengler
I'm with Russ on this one. Had a similar problem with a flex circuit that used gold contacts into a ZIF connector on a ridged PCB. After may test I finally convinced the customer to do some test on the ZIF connector. The end result was flux contam
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 13 07:06:31 EDT 2004 | Chris Lampron
Hi Steve, Could it possibly be a coplanarity problem? I have assembled hundreds of SMT connectors at a Flex house and we found quite a few coplanarity issues. In many occurances, the connector showed symtoms that you are describing. Good Luck Chri
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 08 03:20:47 EST 2018 | rob
Can you get away with 2 x 2ft with either a flex joiner or backplane type connectors to turn into a 4ft board? if you can get your panel down to that it means a lot more potential suppliers
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 04 07:08:55 EST 1998 | Pat Copeland
I am looking for information on reflow temps for a flex board. There is only one 6 pin IC but the board has a 3M double sided tape. Is it possible to reflow without damaging the tape. Any suggestions?
Electronics Forum | Wed May 28 12:31:18 EDT 2003 | larryk
This is our first experience with running embedded flexs. Our board supplier suggested that we prebake our assemblies before placing components. What does everyone else do? Is prebaking normal when a flex is embedded?
Electronics Forum | Thu May 29 10:05:10 EDT 2003 | swagner
I hate to answer a question with a question but what are the particular effects of moisture absorption in a flex circuit?
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 12 13:56:09 EST 2006 | PWH
I'm looking at buying a Universal Advantis with a Flex Jet head on it. Any users out there who can give me real numbers for placement rates?
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 15 06:37:10 EST 2007 | CL
vshan, Good Morning. I used to work for a flex house and was responsible for the SMT assembly area. What is your question? Thanks Chris