Electronics Forum | Tue May 09 18:41:54 EDT 2006 | SMT_CNC
It is a very simple practice to leave a leader when breaking down a setup. This way the next time you're going to use the reel there is about a foot of cover tape to use. Seems to work in our SMT production area. Max.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 27 14:32:37 EST 2004 | fritschusa
Assembleon machines are extrememly flexible and adaptable. Their service / tech support is outstanding. I consider them a leader in our industry. My shop is low/mid volume high mix. I have kits of 1 to 10,000. 0201 to 56mm^2.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 07 10:06:34 EST 2005 | jsk
what we do is cut the excess overlay tape off. With agilis you do not need a "leader". Can't help you on the 10 parts that you are losing.
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 27 16:15:09 EDT 2024 | mistrthou
I've seen a smart splice demo at an expo, and was fairly impressed. They would work well with our mycronic machines. I like that they have a tape system and you can just splice blank tape and reuse them.
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 27 19:14:37 EDT 2024 | proceng1
CoT used to make a tray for a tray feeder that you can slide your cut tapes into. Then you use it like a tray feeder and just teach the pocket positions.
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 29 18:33:49 EST 2003 | Rob Sierra
We are manufacturers of Tape Splicing Supplies, including Tape Extenders for adding a leader to the beginning of an unused reel of components. We carry a New Tape Splicing Tool and offer a loan program and ship worldwide. We can send out samples at
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 03 10:35:09 EDT 2008 | patrickbruneel
Chunks, Am glad to see that common sense didn�t totally disappear after July 1st 2006. BTW that movie is hilarious and goes so well with the subject. Isn�t it interesting how the RoHS promoters use semantics? Bart, Trust me, I understand and res
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 12:48:54 EST 2006 | krc
Pardon my ignorance on this subject but I gotta ask... When the SMT guys load partial reels, I'm told that they have to waste a few components in the process. It seemed obvious to me that there should be a kind of tape that can be added to the end
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 27 18:10:55 EST 2001 | davef
I�m unclear about � "BB training"??? "BB candidates"? Is BB [Box-??] [Bhote-??] a Design Of Experiments technique like Taguchi? As a start, the following affect the "attrition rate": * Assembly machine program * Machine calibration and maintenan
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 08 12:12:21 EST 2004 | davef
Your customer's cost will increase. Consider: * The majority of no-lead components have matte tin solderability protection. Bright tin, as mentioned by an earlier poster, has had reliability issues. Many component suppliers have documented their re