Electronics Forum: ab plc (Page 1 of 1)

Help -Flextek board loader has PLC fault

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 21 14:47:09 EDT 2008 | linny999

Hello, My Flextek bare board loader has a PLC fault. The fault light is repeatedly flashing. I have had no response from Flexlink (who bought flextek) after 3 phone calls to them. The PLC is an AB Micrologix 1000 Can anyone point me in the right dire

Used Equipment Support

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 30 23:08:25 EST 2002 | caldon

Jeff as far as ladder Logic it should really be quite simple for JOT to configure in fact most people with PLC experience can get this machine running. Look at the PLC in side AB Slick 50, Gould/ modicon, GE, Siemens are a few options of the PLC insi


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