Electronics Forum: ac-30 (Page 1 of 4)

Unversal Advantis platform

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 24 14:59:43 EST 2021 | ilavu

Tom, Go with AC-30 for LEDs. Stay away from Flexjet heads (AC72).

4790 replacement

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 22 15:22:26 EST 2007 | vickt

Rip, When you say you are looking at Universal, I assume you mean the AdVantis AC-30L? Why go with another aging chipshooter like the 4796 or CP6, when the AC-30L can supply higher throughput, similar # of feeder inputs, larger component range,

Universal Advantis

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 15:45:41 EDT 2005 | vickt

The older generation "GSM" feeders will work fine on the multifunction variations of the AdVantis Platform, but will not physically work on the Lightning based AC30L. The AC30L uses a 42v feeder interface, while the MF versions have both the new 42v

Unversal Advantis platform

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 20 16:16:07 EST 2021 | ttheis

The plan for this machine is shooting thousands of mid power LED chips onto panels with one or two connector parts. From what I have seen watching video footage of the ac-30 vs ax-72, the ac-30 will be much faster for this chip shooting application.

Need Advice on SMT Pick&Place Machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 24 20:53:58 EST 2005 | adlsmt

Sorry, the AC-30 is the "Lightning Head" machine and the AC-72 is the flex placer. The price is correct. Was in a hurry to get home on Friday and reversed them in the sentence after the price.

Universal Advantis

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 19:11:09 EDT 2005 | Cmiller

We were quoted a lower cost feeder for the AC-30 but its not a smart feeder so we stuck with the precision pro. I assume by that that the low cost version is available now.

Pick errors from Vishay reels

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 03 11:35:15 EST 2008 | wrongway

We have an ac30l advantis machine with a lighting head for about a year now we place a lot of 0603 parts some from vishay we are not seeing this problem yet

Lightning Head Problems

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 15 21:29:20 EST 2010 | seabas

Our lightning Head on the AC-30 has been down 4 times already in the 19 months we have had it. Now that we are out of warranty it is expensive to get it fixed. Is this common? Sebastian

Lightning Head Problems

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 16 10:29:50 EST 2010 | wrongway

Hello seabas we have a ac30l for 27 months and run it 16 hours a day 5 days a week no problems yet. what kind of problems are you having? we do have universal come in every 6 months to do maintenance on it

Parting AC-30L machine

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 20 18:30:13 EDT 2024 | ttheis

Parting out a 4983a machine in Wisconsin. Let me know if anyone needs any parts. Head and vrf amps are taken. Can ship or pickup.

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