Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 24 14:59:43 EST 2021 | ilavu
Tom, Go with AC-30 for LEDs. Stay away from Flexjet heads (AC72).
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 22 15:22:26 EST 2007 | vickt
Rip, When you say you are looking at Universal, I assume you mean the AdVantis AC-30L? Why go with another aging chipshooter like the 4796 or CP6, when the AC-30L can supply higher throughput, similar # of feeder inputs, larger component range,
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 15:45:41 EDT 2005 | vickt
The older generation "GSM" feeders will work fine on the multifunction variations of the AdVantis Platform, but will not physically work on the Lightning based AC30L. The AC30L uses a 42v feeder interface, while the MF versions have both the new 42v
Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 20 16:16:07 EST 2021 | ttheis
The plan for this machine is shooting thousands of mid power LED chips onto panels with one or two connector parts. From what I have seen watching video footage of the ac-30 vs ax-72, the ac-30 will be much faster for this chip shooting application.
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 24 20:53:58 EST 2005 | adlsmt
Sorry, the AC-30 is the "Lightning Head" machine and the AC-72 is the flex placer. The price is correct. Was in a hurry to get home on Friday and reversed them in the sentence after the price.
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 19:11:09 EDT 2005 | Cmiller
We were quoted a lower cost feeder for the AC-30 but its not a smart feeder so we stuck with the precision pro. I assume by that that the low cost version is available now.
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 03 11:35:15 EST 2008 | wrongway
We have an ac30l advantis machine with a lighting head for about a year now we place a lot of 0603 parts some from vishay we are not seeing this problem yet
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 15 21:29:20 EST 2010 | seabas
Our lightning Head on the AC-30 has been down 4 times already in the 19 months we have had it. Now that we are out of warranty it is expensive to get it fixed. Is this common? Sebastian
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 16 10:29:50 EST 2010 | wrongway
Hello seabas we have a ac30l for 27 months and run it 16 hours a day 5 days a week no problems yet. what kind of problems are you having? we do have universal come in every 6 months to do maintenance on it
Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 20 18:30:13 EDT 2024 | ttheis
Parting out a 4983a machine in Wisconsin. Let me know if anyone needs any parts. Head and vrf amps are taken. Can ship or pickup.