Electronics Forum: acceptance criteria solder balls (Page 1 of 27)

QFN (LPCC) acceptance in Asia

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 20 09:38:56 EDT 2003 | caldon

Hi John- First, I do not have first hand experience so my input is pure theory. This type of package (in Some Cases) has a center grounding bonds and leadless legs ups the difficulty tremendously. With no stand-off from the Balls(or Legs) when the so

Leadless(passives) solder joint criteria

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 29 13:51:46 EDT 2000 | C. Ortner

We work in a "low" volume high reliability house building mixed tech double sided multi layer CCA's for long lived space applications. Our present problem is inspection questioning every dimple/anomaly on every leadless part(we put passives only thr

solder balls

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 15:49:33 EDT 2001 | Steve

The solder balls you are talking about are caused by too much paste. Reduce the size of the stencil aperatures. Concerning removing the solder balls, the first thing you need to ask yourself is, do I need to remove them. IPC-610, 12.4.10 states, "Ac

SMD acceptable criteria

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 07 00:43:13 EST 2005 | ajay

Hello All, Do any acceptable criteria is followed on DPM for SMD soldering joint / defect. We do face tough time with QA, as they demand 100%. Our SMD board is having about 2000 soldering point & even 99.90% ok (1998 points ok out of 2000) QA do not

SMD acceptable criteria

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 09 06:25:53 EST 2005 | ajay

thanks for info Most of the defect soldering joint do not take place. Observe that PCB not cleaned properly & also component wetting not good. testing staff expect that all card what ever they receiev shuld be 100% ok. they straight forward complain

CCGA solderability criteria

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 19 05:14:18 EDT 2008 | sckee

Hi, Need help on the CCGA solderability criteria.I've actually run a NPI that using CCGA yet not sure whether the solderability is accepted or not. The alloy of the column is 80/20 and the surface of the solder joint is not smooth and shine. By chec

CCGA solderability criteria

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 21 23:15:07 EDT 2008 | mika

Also keep in mind that the CCGA column length tolerance is at minimum +/- 0.13mm from most part manufactures and they don't collapse in the same way as a BGA, therefore the paste height deposit could be critical in some rare circumstances. Board warp

Re: Wavesolder solder balls

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 02 17:45:46 EST 1998 | ChrisK

In my experience, solder balls are normally caused by only a few things. In order of likelyhood: 1) Water based fluxes (VOC-Free)not having the water carrier completely dried from the board before going into the solder. I.E, too fast conveyor spee

Solder balls

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 06 10:46:12 EDT 2004 | blnorman

We have now switched to Kester EP256. During our solder paste evaluation, resistance to humidity was one of the selection criteria. We printed multiple boards, then exposed them to 85�F/65% RH. At 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, and 4 hours exposure

Solder balls

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 18 04:04:43 EST 2019 | ramesh_10377

hi initially, as per PCB design and gerber file of PCB we got 5 mil stencil, during process observed lot of solder balls (70-80%), then we decided to go for 4 mil stencil with c-cut. now the problem is reduced and still solderball exists which is a

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