Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 10 12:05:54 EDT 2005 | jdumont
Hi all, we are just getting into using local fiducials for BGAs. My question is, in addition to having to be on the same diagonal (opposing corners) do the fiducials have to be the exact same distance from the center of the part? I always thought yes
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 31 17:30:54 EST 2007 | GS
Thanks a lot flipit, I am not directly involved in this "problem" but is my friend that have his CM rejecting PCBs because it says the "+" mark (spokes lengths) are out of tolerances. It seams CM bonder's require tolerance +/- 0,05(? not sure). I d
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 29 17:43:14 EDT 2009 | smt_guy
I have a Product with 2 Different PCB Fiducial allocation in the Design. It has 4 Fine Pitch components. The first PCB DO NOT have Fiducial Mark on the board itself BUT has Fiducial on the Break-OFF Tabs. The second PCB has no Break-Off Tab but has f
Electronics Forum | Wed May 24 13:42:27 EDT 2000 | John McGriff
We just had a similar problem with misplacement, and it turned out that the designers had not put the local fiducials in the right places. I am told that placement machines typically recalculate the component centroid to be at the center of a line b
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 07 05:26:45 EDT 2024 | dimamalin
We are working with ASM SX machines. To solve similar issues, it is necessary to check the PCB thickness in addition to the component height. Reduce the placement speed. Check the possibility of correcting the placement profile for the component. If
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 13 07:25:09 EDT 2009 | hcarrasco
Hi everybody, > We recently start to use an ultrasonic stencil cleaners for our stencils. > It' work well, but after some time, we saw a lot of fiducial that the black > epoxy have been partially or totaly remove. I want to know if someone h
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 09 18:36:48 EDT 2010 | rway
We don't use flex pcbs but have the same issue here. Most of our pcbs are HASL finish. I have looked at silver and gold immersion and both look really good under my color camera on my AOI. However, gold is more pricey. There is no additional cost
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 05 13:34:51 EST 2000 | NickMata
Hello all, at the present I have some product onto which I glue backside components. I dispense a pattern of "witness" to use as a visual cue as to the quality of the dispensed glue dots. A problem which I have encountered is that operators will oft
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 25 18:58:10 EDT 2000 | Bob Miklosey
I am very familiar with AutoProgram and understand the default import formats for the software. AutoProgram wants a centroid file containing part number, ref des., X, Y, and theta. AutoProgram will not directly import an ASCII cad file. However, Ci
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 04 08:28:27 EDT 2001 | Cal
ZAM_BRI- I don't know how effective this may be but some points to include in the buy-off procedure: Before submitting the PO for the stencil you may also want to do a CAD to Stencil comparison to verify correct apertures.There are SW packages and co