Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 10 03:51:49 EDT 2007 | vangogh
Hi All, We are producing PCBA with COB process. We are using kapton tape to protect the COB pads from solder splashes/stains. Questions: 1) Is kapton tape an industry accepted way of protecting gold pads from solder splashes? 2) What are the chance
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 10 07:22:48 EDT 2007 | davef
Q1. Is kapton tape an industry accepted way of protecting gold pads from solder splashes? A1. No. It is more accepted to resolve the reason behind the solder splats, so that the added labor and cost of taping is eliminated. Search the fine SMTnet Arc
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 09 18:28:34 EST 2004 | Ron W
I'd like to know if anyone could recommend a good high-temperature adhesive that can be used for thermocouple attachment. I've always used high-temp solder and tape in the past, but would like to try using adhesive. Any info is certainly appreciated.
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 30 18:52:22 EDT 2004 | RicardoF
what about 4 cm of kapton tape on each Thermocouple?
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 30 11:55:55 EDT 2004 | Chris Lampron
Hello Fredrick, I have used several methods of TC attachment including quick set adheasives (not good at reflow temps as Dave suggests) long set two part epoxies (work well if you have the time to wait for a sufficiant cure) temprobes, tape (kapton
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 09 23:53:48 EST 2004 | Dean
How high are we talking? 1000 Celsius? KIC Thermal Profiling double sided aluminum profiling tape. I have used at an extreme application of 240 to 300 degrees celsius for 18 minutes. With up to 30 passes with no visible degree of deterioration.
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 15 08:29:50 EST 2006 | pjc
In order of effectiveness / accurate reading: 1. Hi-Temp Soldering 2. ECD's Temprobe or new Flexiprobe http://www.ecd.com 3. Glue, such as SMT adhesive 4. Aluminum tape Capton tape should not be used as it expands at reflow temps.
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 05 22:08:14 EST 2009 | mleber
The dewetting is caused by using a silcone based adhesive. Select a tape that is acrylic based. Tapes are a high esd generator. Always use an ionizer.
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 15 08:02:04 EST 2006 | davef
Se�or Tech Search the fine SMTnet Archives. For instance: http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=25210 Roger Saunders, President, Saunders Technology summarized the pros and cons of taping thermocouples as [He's taking about Ka
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 22 11:12:06 EST 2009 | davef
Conformal coating masking: Electronic equipment manufacturer's use conformal coating processes to protect printed circuit modules from moisture, fumes, rapid temperature changes and other environmental conditions. Typically, pressure sensitive tapes