Electronics Forum: adhesives research (Page 1 of 2)

Bottom side process question

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 15 11:12:45 EST 2001 | slthomas

solder, but flux -> adhesive. Hmmmmm.... Are the chemists working hard to reduce the consequences of these possibilities? And as to Dave's comment about long term reliability issues due to outgassing from the adhesive, double-hmmmmmmm....... Ther


Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 09 14:46:11 EDT 2024 | tommy_magyar

Placement jig which holds connector, SMD adhesive, profiling + low temperature paste. These are things I would research. If these can be fitted in SMT, than these should also be JEDEC standard. Datasheets will offer you any information you need to b

Flux dip or solder print for CSP

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 11:33:37 EST 2017 | emeto

Joshua, 100um is 4mil aperture. You should ask several stencil houses about the possibility to print that small amount of paste(type 6 paste is available now with very small solder spheres 5-15um diameter). Even applying small amount(thin layer of f

Re: Stencil Cleaner

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 29 03:59:28 EDT 2000 | genglish

Hi Francois, I made a recommendation to this question, some one else posted it earlier this month. I have done a little research and evaluated a couple of machines on site. If you require further information regarding the one I purchased for our comp

Researching stencil cleaners

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 27 05:52:44 EST 2001 | genglish

Peter, I have completed trials on various machines for cleaning both SMT stencils and misprinted PCB�s for solder paste and adhesive. Why do you have a preference with the cleaning solution, is this flexible? I can recommend a machine which we purcha

Adhesive Dispense Equipment

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 02 20:23:58 EST 2001 | caldon

You may want to also try MRSI. They have awsome machines for bridging the gap between Semiconductor and SMT. They have an excellent research group and can answer a mojority of your questions. http://www.mrsigroup.com they are located in Mass, USA. Da

Researching stencil cleaners

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 27 18:00:35 EST 2001 | Mike Konrad

I would recommend pH neutral chemistries, particularly if a semi-automatic machine is to be used. There are many chemistries available. A partial list of chemistries that I have tested, and that are compatible with a variety of cleaning equipment i

SnBi Solder + Dispensable Solder Suppliers

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 10 02:47:27 EDT 2001 | Peter W.

Thank you for your annotaions. I am aware of the limits and temperatures of that material, but we are doing some research with thermoplastic base materials which won't survive standard solder paste reflow soldering. And beside of using conductive ad

Conformal Coating in New England

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 13 06:54:12 EST 2006 | pjc

Here's a couple more: Vitek Coating Div., Vitek Research Corp. - Derby, CT - Contact Service Company Company Profile: Parylene Conformal Coating Services With Plasma Surface Treatment To Enhance Adhesion. Electrostatic Powder & Liquid Coating Of Med

Lattice Orca heatsink to PCB

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 19 20:40:08 EST 2002 | jonfox

One common practice, depending on what is on the other side of the PCB and how much heat you need to draw away from the part, is to manufacture a pseudo-heatsink into the board itself. It looks like a large tinned pad but has a dense array of vias f

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