Electronics Forum: aes and 01 (Page 1 of 72)

Yes Tech F1 AOI and 0402 chips.

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 01 18:32:51 EDT 2011 | frcdave

Dback, Some questions for you: 1. Are you using the red light configuration for better contrast on the 0402 parts? 2. Is your system fitted with both low and High Magnification cameras? Have you spoken with the guys at YESTech? Their phone support i

ITAR and AS9100...like peas and carrots?

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 12 15:50:01 EDT 2009 | davef

Wouldn't think of them as peas and carrots. Maybe, tree and carrot. ITAR: Export regulations that are specific. Board fabricators may choose to be ITAR registered. AS9100: Aerospace tailored version of ISO9000. So, it's general. In it's base form, AS

Rohs and WEEE

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 01 09:28:19 EST 2005 | Chua

What is mean by Rohs and WEEE...

Die and Ply Procedure

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 26 01:39:12 EST 2005 | sohct

Is there a procedure for the this test? If yes please forward to me. Thx.

SMT optimization and improvement

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 01 04:01:33 EDT 2006 | ts

The PT200 at line converter able to optimize your program to balance the line.


Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 15 22:15:34 EST 2003 | iman


Rohs and WEEE

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 29 21:49:14 EST 2005 | Chua



Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 15 07:28:15 EST 2003 | Jean-Philippe

Its not really an electromagnetic device, its just a feeder for connectors.


Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 15 07:36:44 EST 2003 | stefwitt

Did you check http://www.hoverdavis.com ?

Pre- and post-reflow rework

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 27 09:10:27 EST 2005 | Brad

What exactly do you need to know?

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