Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 02 08:14:27 EST 2007 | accurex
Can any one guide what is the difference between the Series 2 and Series 3 of agilent aoi sj50 system.
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 12 11:04:28 EST 2007 | pekantol
Series 3 have 4 mpix.camera,series 2 have only 2 mpix. Also series 3 have better algorithms.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 22 04:21:56 EST 2009 | aj
Hi all, We are currently evaluating the above mentioned Xray system. I would appreciate some feedback from users on good & bad points and maybe things to look out for. At this moment and time it is mainly 2series systems due to obvious reasons, bu
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 09 15:24:45 EST 2009 | devgru
We looked at the 5DX as well, but it was way too cost prohibitive at the time and ended up purchasing the Yestech stand alone x-ray system. At the time Yestech did not have a comparable system to the 5DX, but I understand they do now. With Agilent
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 18 15:45:27 EST 2016 | jg_annaanthan
Hi all, my site using x-ray machine "Agilent 5DX Series 5". The tester will hang around 10- 15 min during perform automatic startup at level "Delta Z". My site, we already change Front & Rear laser, burn galil, performed manual startup, total shutdow
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 11 09:23:06 EDT 2000 | Roger Squires
Has anyone had any success in finding open circuits (i.e. ball present but not soldered to PCB) under collapsible BGA's using an Agilent HP5DX x-ray tester and the BGA2 algorithm? Can anyone recommend an elongated pad design which produces the neces
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 31 20:55:36 EDT 2001 | davef
Just so that you know, the 5DX does laminography. Like the word lamination, laminography takes a series of short focal length xrays, each a little deeper than the previous. Microlaminography allows layer by layer information to be measured in 'slic
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 19 04:50:51 EDT 2013 | jlawson
Check out Viscom, X7056 Series in line Xray. Have 2D and 3D options. Also if budget permits offer Xray and AOI in same machine !!!
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 07 13:17:10 EDT 2009 | tserra
I would recommend looking at SAKI/MacroScience. http://www.xraytechnology.eu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=34&Itemid=42 I have seen the images created by MSX3000 from MacroScience which is now under SAKI and can tell you with certainty
Electronics Forum | Thu May 21 11:39:21 EDT 1998 | Brian L. Pollitt
| We are looking to bring in a HP 5DX System. This is | the laminography equipment formerly known as Four Pi. | I have our sales rep getting us a few references, but I | wanted to get some opinions from the tech net. | I am looking for input from