Electronics Forum: agilis feeder 16 flex 30mm wide (Page 1 of 1)

Mydata Agilis Feeders

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 08 00:47:12 EST 2005 | Grant

Hi, Yes, one of the problems with the MYDATA is the feeders are in groups, but at the same time, they are simple, and don't break. But the new Agillis 12 and 16 mm feeders do jam a bit. It's worse on glued cover tape, while heat bonded cover tape is


Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 24 14:57:09 EDT 2022 | spoiltforchoice

Indeed, back in 2010 or so I had quotes for a MY100 with a Hydra head,as part of that I did get them to run a theoretical build time for one of our own boards. That came back @ just under 7k cph, it was a pretty sensible board with a nice range of th

Manual handling aftrer Pick n place

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 22 16:39:26 EST 2011 | eadthem

Your typical high mix line would consist of, Stencil printer, 1-2 foot conveyor belt, fast PNP machine (say a universal 30 spindle turret lightning head), 1-2 foot conveyor belt, large/heavy part PNP (say a universal flex jet 7 spindle or 4 Spindle),


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