Electronics Forum: ags[0] (Page 1 of 3)

Solder paste Density

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 13 22:23:24 EDT 2008 | davef

8.4 * SAC305 => 7.36 * Sn-3.5Ag => 7.5 * '....in' [96.2Sn-2.5Ag-0.8Cu-0.5Sb] => 7.39 * Sn-4Ag-0.5Cu => 7.39, 7.44 * Sn-3.8Ag-0.7Cu (Multicore solder) => 7.5

Lead Free Solder Sn(99%)/Ag(0.3%)/Cu(0.7%)

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 30 06:44:34 EDT 2007 | dszeto

Is there any benchmarking / report available on the industry regarding to the application of leadfree solder Sn(99%)/Ag(0.3%)/Cu(0.7%) e.g. Alpha Metals SACX0307 compared to SAC305? Thanks! Daniel

Sn99 Cu0.7 Ag 0.3

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 10 10:55:40 EST 2005 | Rob

Hi Jerry, Thanks for the info - it's very helpful. I'm assuming (as it carefully refrains from saying it anywhere!) that SAXC0307 is Sn99/Cu0.7/Ag0.3. Cheers, Rob.

Need Solder Ball 95.5% Sn 4.0% Ag 0.5% Cu

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 29 14:24:25 EDT 2011 | ppcbs

I am looking for immediate stock of a high temp lead free solder ball. 0.60 mm dia. and an Alloy of 95.5% Sn 4.0% Ag 0.5% Cu Any suggestions.

Sn99 Cu0.7 Ag 0.3

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 10 08:46:08 EST 2005 | jdengler

Rob, Try http://www.alphametals.com Jerry

Sn99 Cu0.7 Ag 0.3

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 22 10:52:35 EDT 2005 | patrickbruneel

Ken Which flux are you using

Sn99 Cu0.7 Ag 0.3

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 08 08:28:12 EST 2005 | py (france)

a french subcontractor had tried this alloy for a show (in france). I was here , the PCB was not to hard to weld , but the results were not as good than Sn63pb37.(of course) the advantage is the price. see cookson for details.....

Sn99 Cu0.7 Ag 0.3

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 10 04:45:51 EST 2005 | Rob

Thanks for your help, & will look into Cookson as soon as http://www.alpha-frytechnologies.com is working again. Cheers, Rob.

Lead Free Solder Sn(99%)/Ag(0.3%)/Cu(0.7%)

Electronics Forum | Wed May 02 02:41:30 EDT 2007 | May

Of course it is needless to say the performance of SACX0307 is worse than SAC305, and also to some other lead free solders,eg SN100C & SCS7.

Need Solder Ball 95.5% Sn 4.0% Ag 0.5% Cu

Electronics Forum | Mon May 09 10:03:26 EDT 2011 | markhoch

I would contact one of your solderpaste manufactuers. (i.e Indium, Alpha Metals, Kester, etc)

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