Electronics Forum: aimex iii hade (Page 1 of 1)


Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 21 09:05:53 EDT 2018 | stephenj37824

We are doing 2D on the printer. I got what seems to be a great price on the AIMEX III. I haven't heard back from Yamaha and Juki has emailed but no call yet. Fuji has a service person 3 hrs south of our location so it doesn't seem extremely far. I wi

Calibration problem FUJI NXT III

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 17 13:48:32 EDT 2024 | jdengler

I have a AIMEX III and we have seen the top cover on the conveyor being pushed out of postion when someone does maintenance. I beleive the NXT's use the same configuration. Check to see that the cover is pushed all the way over where the PCB would


Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 07:46:00 EDT 2018 | stephenj37824

You are probably right. The Aimex III handles a larger board was my biggest draw. I will check and make sure the NXT III comes in a dual gantry configuration. Finally heard back from Juki after I basically told them if I didn't hear back they were o


Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 18 07:52:28 EDT 2018 | stephenj37824

After doing more research I have decided against Essemtec. Still liking the Europlacer iineo+. I also have been doing research on the Ipulse S20. I really want a minimum board width of 20". Fuji also has a nice looking system that will fit the bill

Universal Genesis Inline7

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 12:38:07 EST 2018 | robl

NXT's are never meant to be used in isolation - I've never seen less than 3 thin modules and 1 fat together. AIMEX III uses the same heads in one chassis if you prefer contained machines. I've had lots of platforms over the years, and worked them


Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 19 21:55:23 EDT 2018 | stephenj37824

You've got (to my mind) 3 wholly different > classes of machine there. > > Essemtec is upper > entry level maker that is increasingly > differentiating itself from the competing > machines in its class by focusing on 3d > assembly/dispensing op


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