Electronics Forum: ain vari (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Too hot to handle

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 28 17:37:00 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | | | Greetings, | | | | | | | | | | Can anyone tell me what temperatures pcb's should have when coming out of a forced convection reflow oven and out of a wavesoldering machine. | | | | | Also, is there any danger of the pcb's giving off some k

Re: Too hot to handle

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 28 17:37:02 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | | | Greetings, | | | | | | | | | | Can anyone tell me what temperatures pcb's should have when coming out of a forced convection reflow oven and out of a wavesoldering machine. | | | | | Also, is there any danger of the pcb's giving off some k

Re: Too hot to handle

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 29 07:55:52 EST 1999 | Wayne Bracy

| | | | | | Greetings, | | | | | | | | | | | | Can anyone tell me what temperatures pcb's should have when coming out of a forced convection reflow oven and out of a wavesoldering machine. | | | | | | Also, is there any danger of the pcb's giving of

Hey Ya'll, let's talk about Lead fer' a bit...

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 30 15:09:56 EDT 1999 | Steve Gregory

How's the "Great Gas-out" going for ya'll? Myself, I'm doing real good! Haven't farted all day...(GRIN) Anyways, a thread got started down below about this so-called "Lead Free" stuff, and I just wanna' put my two cents in about the whole thing. We

Re: Hey Ya'll, let's talk about Lead fer' a bit...

Electronics Forum | Mon May 03 16:59:52 EDT 1999 | Wayne Bracy

| How's the "Great Gas-out" going for ya'll? | | Myself, I'm doing real good! Haven't farted all day...(GRIN) | | Anyways, a thread got started down below about this so-called "Lead Free" stuff, and I just wanna' put my two cents in about the whole

Re: Hey Ya'll, let's talk about Lead fer' a bit...

Electronics Forum | Sat May 01 09:18:08 EDT 1999 | Bob Willis

| How's the "Great Gas-out" going for ya'll? | | Myself, I'm doing real good! Haven't farted all day...(GRIN) | | Anyways, a thread got started down below about this so-called "Lead Free" stuff, and I just wanna' put my two cents in about the whole

Re: Hey Ya'll, let's talk about Lead fer' a bit...

Electronics Forum | Sun May 02 18:44:26 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| | How's the "Great Gas-out" going for ya'll? | | | | Myself, I'm doing real good! Haven't farted all day...(GRIN) | | | | Anyways, a thread got started down below about this so-called "Lead Free" stuff, and I just wanna' put my two cents in about

Re: Hey Ya'll, let's talk about Lead fer' a bit...

Electronics Forum | Mon May 03 17:09:50 EDT 1999 | Wayne Bracy

| | How's the "Great Gas-out" going for ya'll? | | | | Myself, I'm doing real good! Haven't farted all day...(GRIN) | | | | Anyways, a thread got started down below about this so-called "Lead Free" stuff, and I just wanna' put my two cents in about

Re: WAVE SOLDERING and Gluing 0603 packages

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 25 12:05:50 EDT 1999 | Chrys Shea

| | | Has anyone had trouble waving and gluing 0603 R's and C's? At my company, our designers have "opened the floodgates" on bottom-side 0603's. | | | | | | We've got an EPK+ with rotary chip and omega wave but can't seem to get skip-free solderin

Re: WAVE SOLDERING and Gluing 0603 packages

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 09:18:27 EDT 1999 | C.K.

| | | | Has anyone had trouble waving and gluing 0603 R's and C's? At my company, our designers have "opened the floodgates" on bottom-side 0603's. | | | | | | | | We've got an EPK+ with rotary chip and omega wave but can't seem to get skip-free so


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