Electronics Forum: air and consumption and fuji (Page 1 of 1)

Compressor for Pick and Place line

Electronics Forum | Thu May 21 06:15:46 EDT 2020 | bukas

everything Stephen said + it is really important that you have correct diameter pipes. If diameter is too small there will be a significant pressure drop in pipes (and machines have their consumption 100-500 NL - normal liters / min) and pipe system

Fuji CP6 and IP3 specifications request

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 09 11:14:28 EDT 2016 | cyber_wolf

•Rated Speed of 40,000 CPH •140 - 8mm Device Locations •14" x 18" Max PCB Size PCB dimensions Max: 457mm x 356mm Min: 80mm x 60mm Board Thickness: 0.3 to 4.0mm Component capacity Up to 140 types (8mm tape) Placing rate 0.09 sec./component - 40,

Re: Fond Farwell II (Why I hate aggresive sales and marketing)

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 18 01:58:23 EDT 1999 | Steve Gregory

Just to further explain myself a bit, and why I hate being bombarded by advertisements, is because I think others (sales and marketing people) are trying to manipulate me. Why do I think that? Say if you have 5 pick and place salesmen, 1 from Fuj

Re: Fond Farwell II (Why I hate aggresive sales and marketing)

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 19 13:05:31 EDT 1999 | Bob

Steve, Like you, I am sick, sick, sick of marketing. I can't go on the Internet, to a ball game or my local 7-11 without being bombarded with marketing. 7-11? Would you belive I went there to buy a Sunday paper yesterday and now they have a 27" mo


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