Electronics Forum: air esd (Page 1 of 7)

Ionizing pressurized air for pcb blow-off

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 23 14:51:02 EST 2003 | davef

Without being clear on whether you're talking about: * Standard air knives at the back-end of your in-line cleaner ... OR * Hand held or similar nozzle. Standard air knives: This causes no problem with ESD because the relative humidity is so high t

Ionizing pressurized air for pcb blow-off

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 21 16:08:56 EST 2003 | clarkk

Hello all, We use pressurized air from a blower to blow off excess water from our pcb assemblies after wash. I'm concerned that this could potentially cause esd damage to sensitive assemblies. Is anyone aware of a device that can correctly ionize the

floor and air conditioning, shop floor requirements

Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 05:32:39 EDT 2013 | pavel_murtishev

Jim, Thank you for the input. Could you please check your standard filter pore size? A model number would be valuable. How many shop volumes (in cubic meters) do you pump per hour? Customer is seriously thinking over installing AC system similar to

floor and air conditioning, shop floor requirements

Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 21:40:40 EDT 2013 | davef

ANSI/J-STD-001: * Temperature and Humidity: 18-30°C, 30-70%RH ** If out of range, shall verify electrostatic discharge control program according to ANSI/ESD S20-20 is adequate. ** For process control, more restrictive temperature and humidity limits

floor and air conditioning, shop floor requirements

Electronics Forum | Thu May 02 15:29:19 EDT 2013 | jim_n_hky

I can't answer your specific question on the floor, but I have some suggestions. The equipment manufacturer should be able to provide the floor loading requirements. A structural engineer should be able to translate that into specs for hte constructi

PCB ESD protection

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 18 01:18:15 EST 2003 | ereznahoum

Hi, I have to protect A small 3v battery power circuit with 2 layer PCB in plastic box against �Air ESD�. What is the best PCB layout for this purpose.

Canned Air

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 03 16:52:33 EST 2010 | kennyg

Is the use of a 'canned air' product on a PCBA an ESD concern; such as the techspray "duster" cans? Is there such thing as an ESD safe canned air product?

Solder paste transfer from jar to cartridge

Electronics Forum | Tue May 11 09:44:48 EDT 2010 | dyoungquist

Lower humidity: Pros: Helps with mositure sentative devices. Cons: 1)Paste exposed to the dry air during your porcess will dry out quicker. 2) Drier air promotes more ESD issues, i.e. more electrostatic generation.

Question on ESD

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 24 13:02:53 EST 2000 | Ashok Dhawan

Two questions on ESD: 1. What is recommended method ( Air ionizer , grounding strip etc. ) for a board prep ? We Kapton Tape for masking pads or not to be soldered areas. or Is there a wet mask recommended for masking boards campatible with NC Sold

Vacuum Pick up Tool

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 25 09:13:21 EDT 2003 | davef

Pete: That ACL Staticide� is used on the bulb of the Arach Technology & Application Corp Vacuum Pen� to attain ESD proprties, make us uneasy. "Staticide" is a topical anti-static solution. It's a soap that absorbs moisture from the air to improve

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