Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 05 16:16:08 EST 2007 | Mark
Hello, We are having issue with one of the customer board. This is 10 layer PCB FR4 with black solder mask. Coating Ni/Au. Soldering leadfree. We are using 7 zones air reflow oven (zones top&bottom). We have bed solder flowing for this boards. T
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 02 17:52:17 EST 1999 | Dave F
Jim: Several points: 1 If you�re correct about corrosion of your component leads (which is entirely possible if the leads are steel, as you say), then the AIM 264-5 no-clean may not be aggressive enough to remove the corrosion you are seeing routin
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 11:58:55 EST 2008 | rkeck
We are looking at an Omni Flow 5 Oven and do not have much information on it. We do know it has a 3" cabinet vent and a 6" vent near the center on the top. If anyone has knowledge of this oven, and has any suggestions or info, we would appreciate
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 15:55:58 EST 2008 | pjc
This is from the OmniFlo 5 Engineering data sheet: EXHAUST SPECIFICATIONS: STANDARD AIR OPERATION: - Load-end: 150 cfm (255 m3/hr) at the 4� (102 mm) stack (minimum requirement) - Unload-end: 300 cfm (510 m3/hr) at the 4� (102 mm) stack (minimum req
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 23 11:35:58 EDT 2007 | grantp
Hi, Yes, we just built a new plant, and used copper again. The stuff we cut out of the old building was copper, and it was fine without any issues. We lay it on an angle so condensation flows to an end, and can be periodically vented, and we take a
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 24 20:33:34 EDT 2001 | davef
Assuming you're seeing this during wave solder, the via acts like a heat pipe conducting 450�F [or whatever] air to your solder balls. Check the fine SMTnet Archives for similar threads and perspective on the direction to take.
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 06 18:30:13 EDT 2022 | kojotssss
Solenoids, air flow sensors was checked?
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 16 16:30:16 EDT 2006 | Cmiller
PS, we had a similar situation when a quick disconnect on the flux supply went bad, limiting flow. Take the nozzle off and turn the fluxer on, you should get a lot of flux flow, If not, the lines are probably clogged.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 09 09:10:30 EDT 2006 | Chunks
Grease filters work well. They're cheap, easy to clean and come in all sizes. Will not reduce your air flow by much either.
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 17 10:42:44 EDT 2006 | chrisgriffin
Definitely too much pressure for any fluxer I've seen. Something must be restricting the flow. Maybe the nozzle.