Electronics Forum: air liquide (Page 1 of 9)

Re: Hot air knif in wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 28 10:12:53 EDT 1998 | Chrys

| Hello, | I need some users information about "Air knif" in wave soldering: | 1. Does it decreases bridging ? | 2. Is it self installed of a purchesed kit (if purchesed, who are the recomended vendors) ? | 3. Any other information about the issue. |

N2 delivery supply

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 11 03:23:58 EST 2005 | py (france)

ken, in order to improve the wettability I suppose.... But it seems that jimk wants N2 for the reflow owen even if he does not need N2... ==== jimk: see air-liquide, linde gaz, and praxair , you can by N2 liquid in tank , or any other conditionnemen

Nitrogen wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 14 22:03:40 EST 2003 | caldon

Air liquide has some great articles on this www.airliquide.com Cal

Question on Nitrogen Consumption during Reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 26 07:40:18 EDT 2001 | caldon

Try this link out. http://www.airliquide.com/us/ep&a/TechPapers.htm Air Liquide has done many studies on this topic. There should be some useful information there. Cal Caldon W. Driscoll ACI USA 610-362-1200 cdriscoll@aciusa.org

Whitish Solder Joint

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 04 10:02:20 EST 2003 | rdr

Do you reflow both sides of the boards before washing? Sometimes these white residues occur from "burnt" flux. we see this from time to time especially when using hot air and liquid flux. Russ

Billboarding 0603 resistors

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 18 22:18:06 EST 2002 | mantis

Yep i agree most likely misplacment or reflow, maybe check your air flow around the liquidous zones(if convection oven) probably too low.

Re: Flux tanks

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 05 21:29:56 EST 1999 | chartrain

No matter what type container you use, air in the delivery line will always be a problem. When you pop the lid on a pressurized container, fill it with a liquid and reseal it, air will be present over the liquid. Where do you think it goes?It has to

Liquid flux dispensing

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 28 11:47:16 EDT 2004 | GCronin

I am looking for a consistent method of applying no clean liquid flux to solder pads. My main concern is if I use a standard air-over type dispenser mounted to an automated arm that the liquid flux will make a mess and not be consistent. I'm not to

Wave Soldering with or w/o Nitrogen

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 12 22:27:50 EST 2002 | davef

I'd speculate that the properties of a well formed solder connection processed in air and N2 are indistinguishable. Then again, the pitch is that N2 gives a wider process window, especially for NC flux-types. In the SMTnet Library look for: �Opti


Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 31 14:45:35 EDT 2011 | ryanr

Non-Hermetically sealed parts are parts are not air tight and gasses and liquids will pass into the package of the part and come in contact with the electrical or other components within the package (i.e. some switches, relays, transformers, etc.) D

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